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lea..leave me taehyung jin tried to push himm

i am not just sitt in the car silently jin

i am gonna sit in your fucking car now leave me

okk baby boy as u wish he smirked and forcefully pushed jin inside the car and locled the door

taehyung what the hell r u doing open the damn door for god sake

taehyung ignored himm and climbed at driver seat and started to drive ar hogh speed

taehyung slow down the speed is too much

tae instead of decreasing the speed he increased the speed

jin remembered the look tae had when they were at restaurant it was something else not like normal the normal look which he got from taehyung it's not list not mocking it was something else which scared jin

"it was anger "

tae drove at high speed and jin stayed quiet all the time bcz he don't have any option

after an hour maybe taehyung stopped the car and that is when jin noticed where they r

it's a sculded place with lots of trees and the thing which scared him is that he is alone with taehyung and no one is near they r away from the city or any kind of population

taehyung hot out of car and jin too

taehyun wh..where we r he said scared

I don't know where we r now shut up he yelled making jin more scared

after some mins

how can u let that person touch u huh jin

jin borrowed his eyebrows upward in confusion

about whom u r talking taehyung

u know jin about whom i talking  the one with whom u were at cafe

it's my personal matter stay out of itt jin said

u r mine jin and no one can touch what's mine

for god sake taehyung i have said it thousands of times that i am not yours can't u understand that

and i have told u thousands of times that u r mine and I don't like to share what's mine he raised his voice

did he kissed u

jin stayed silent

answer me kim soekjin

jin shudderd at his voice as it's first time taehyung called him by his full name

I don't wanna ans

taehyung got angr and takes large steps towards jin conering himm in his arms and the back door of car

ans me jin otherwise i will do what u aren't gonna like

what if he had kissed me huhhh whatt is the pro......

taehyung sushed him by his lips he kissed jin hungrily  hardly

jin tried to push himm but tae didn't let himm


i think i am too active at wattpad and update my stories almost daily which i noticed not commonly authors do should i change my routine???

update in a month or update in a week what should i do plzzz do tell me ??

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