Savannah sped back to the Gilbert residence and ran through the open door just as Elena, John and Stefan came down the stairs. 

"You invited her in the house?!" Elena scolded as Stefan put his hands on her waist comfortingly. "She has information about Klaus."

The hybrid stepped in and spoke up. "No, she's compelled by Klaus." Making Isobels eyes subtly widen. Veins emerged from under her eyes and she went to attack. Savannah raised a hand and twisted her fist. Isobels head cocked to the side, bending at an awkward angle and she was dead...ish. 

"Right- Well, I'm going back to the grill. Keep her dead until I can find a spell to reverse the compultion."

"Who is that girl? She's a witch?" She heard John ask as she started the car again.


When she came back Alaric was gone and Jenna was talking animatedly to Damon about phycology. 

"Being in love is the same as having obsessive compulsive disorder on a biochemical  level. That explains a lot actually. But, a study was done with 20 subjects who had fallen in love in the last 6 months and unmedicated OCD patients, and it was found that both groups had significantly lower density of the 5-HT transporter. Therefore, your brain treats love and obsession very similarly." 

"This is the face I make when I can't understand big words." Damon pointed at his face and crossed his eyes while pursing his lips. Savannah snorted as she sat down. He wasn't supposed to use that line until season 6 but it's funny every time.


After a while of catching up, Damon and Savannah went back to the boarding house for a quick stop to change. "Did you move it?" She asked before walking in. He hummed with a short nod as Katherine walked into the room. 

On her way back to Mystic Falls, Savannah had send Damon a message to not be a dumbass and hide the moonstone anywhere in the boarding house. She send him a spot to hide it in that no one but the both of them would be able to find. 

Mason was alive, just not able to be found because Damon had bribed him into running off and not contacting Katherine again. Tyler apparently left with him after the doppelganger triggered his curse at the ball. Caroline was a vampire but this time her mom knew about it and supported her as best as she could after the trauma. Liz knows about Damon and Stefan and are okay with it, that is something that surprised Savannah entirely. Apparently Damon and Liz had a besties for the resties thing going on. He was there for her when she had to leave her job to do chemo and helped her out when she was healing from her brain surgery. Savannah had warned him that vampire blood doesn't heal cancer so he couldn't help her that way, but he did what he could for her.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Katherine, pleasure I'm sure." The vampire smirks and looks Savannah up and down. Savannah winked and nodded. "Yep. Already creamed my panties as soon as I saw you. You're way hotter than Elena BTW." 

"She gets it." Katherine nodded and pointed to the slightly shorter girl. Damon rolled his eyes at his flirty friend and ex, and flipped them off. 

"The dance is tomorrow. You could be my date and we could cause some...Chaos."  She smirked at the older Doppelganger. She smirked back and nodded. "I think you're my new favorite." They hooked arms and Damon threw his into the air, exasperated. 

Crazy (For you) ☆ N. MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now