'Here have a visitors badge, I will change the accessibility to the floors so you can still get to your work' Gary hands over the key card proud of the power he has at the front desk.

'Really?! Omg you might have just saved my job!' She took the card and leaned forward with her lips by his ear,

'I owe you' she purred, looking up she saw a group of men walking to the lobby with a suitcase.
Going red Gary's eyes widened and pushed the button to let her through the double doors.

'Thank you sweetie' she blew a kiss, grabbing the special suitcase given from Tony and turned to the Lobby her face dropped into a more serious look and headed quickly to the elevators. She knew she didn't have much time to complete the mission.
She walked to the lift as it was closing and with her powers held the doors open. The men looked at each other uneasy and 2 other men stuck their hands into their jacket. Knowing that it was possibly guns Y/N smiled and stepped in.

'Now now guys, where are your manners, you did not keep the elevator doors open for me' she breathed calmly. There was silence and you could cut the tension with a knife she pressed 4th floor, they were heading for 8th. Doors closed again and she faced forward and looked down, on the suitcase she saw the Hydra logo, they were not known back then so no one would of been alerted.
'You may do the switch now' she said and the men looked at each other.

'Excuse me' the right man asked

'The switch, quick, I am almost at my floor. I have orders from Pierce and I need to switch these cases because they know your plan, S.H.I.E.L.D will have agents waiting for you on the 8th floor, we are almost at the 4th floor by the way.

'She knows Pierce' mumbled the other guy.

'Guys, hurry!' Y/N drops the empty vessel case and the other guy drops his.
Grabbing the case with the Mind stone the doors open, she walks out and turns around.
'Hail Hydra' with that they relaxed and repeated her words, when the door shut Y/N laughed and could not believe her plan worked, problem was that she now has 4 floors till they get to the 8th floor and notice no one is waiting for them.
She started running to the stair well, still laughing. The thrill of Chaos she will create gave her adrenaline to run the 4 flights of stairs without stopping.
After getting to the reception she noticed security looking at her so she waved at Gary.

'I just heard the best joke Gary' he spins around and waves back.

'You came back just for that?' He laughs.
She stood behind the desk and saw the monitors and noticed 4 angry men on screen number 8.


'Well, what was the joke?' Gary nudged her.

'Oh well uhm. Why don't scientists trust atoms?'
Y/N takes another look on the monitor and notices one is on the phone while the other is pacing.

' Dunno?' Gary leaned forward

' Cause they make up everything' Y/N pushes Gary and fake laughs. Gary joins in with the fake laughter.

'I don't get it..' Y/N tried to contain an eye roll.

'I'll tell you later' she places the key card on his desk and walks to the door.

'Huh? Going home already?' Gary scratched his head.

'HEY! STOP OR I WILL SHOOT' A voice yells behind her,


Y/N looked at security who was now up and cautiously looking at her. Shrugging she walks closer to the doors, it was so close, but she also did not have the time to cause chaos and have some fun.

'Show me your hands and stop walking lady' a security guard was now pointing a gun at her, Y/N turns and see's the gun and sighs, putting the case down she puts her hands up.

'You mean these?' She twists one making a half circle movement and the gun starts to bend backwards and the guard freaks out and drops the gun.

'Last warning or I will shoot' the guy from the elevator shouts.

'Oh I don't think you will darling' her eyes glows, controlling his mind.

'I am sorry, please, your free to go' he stands there, like a zombie.

'What the hell Carl' the other guy waves his hands in front of the mans face.
Y/N heads outside and forces the door shut with her powers just long enough to hide it out, surely I should of been sucked back by now she thought.
Running a few blocks away with the suitcase she found an alley and hid behind a big dumpster.
'How long is this going to take' she murmured to herself and within seconds a portal appeared around her and she was jumped through multicoloured lights, her stomach felt queasy and head dizzy she felt a hard surface under her feet again and opened her eyes. Looking around she realized this was the workshop in the compound and Steve ran and hugged her.

'Sorry but I am just glad you made it, with or without the stone' he breathed with relief.

Y/N pushed him away,

'Without?! You have such little faith in me?' she winked.

'Nice to see you Y/N, place your suitcase here' Bruce looked a bit wounded and his arm was held in a makeshift brace, now to wait for the others, hopefully they were all successful.

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