1 ~ Diagon Alley

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"Are you okay, Y/N?" M/N asked, wiping soot out of her son's hair.

"Y-yeah ... man, I hate using the Floo network. Why couldn't we have just apparated here?" Queried Y/N between small coughs."

"That's a good question..." F/N said, smoothing soot out of his hair. "Dunno' really, kind of a blunder on my behalf, eh?" 

"No doubt about that," M/N said, rolling her eyes and making her way into the center of Diagon Alley.

Y/N was no stranger to the hustle and bustle of Diagon Alley, having frequented there ever since he could remember. Although today's visit was far more impactful than any other visit to date. 

Today was the day that Y/N would be getting all of the things he needed for his first year at Hogwarts. But it seemed that visiting Diagon Alley in the middle of the week to avoid too many people meant nothing. 

"It's busier than it was this weekend," groaned Y/N, as he and his father looked at the piece of parchment with all the material requirements.

"Come along you two," said M/N, leading Y/N and F/N towards their first destination, Flourish, and Blotts. 

The shelves in Flourish and Blotts looked like they went on forever, families were in line at the center of the store, picking up their copies of the books needed. 

"Is it every year McGonagall picks the heaviest book she can find?" F/N murmured, heaving a copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration into his arms as M/N ventured off to find a copy of Magical Theory.

"McGonagall?" asked Y/N.

"Yes, she teaches Transfiguration at Hogwarts, She's also the head of house for Gryffindor."

"You were in Gryffindor, weren't you?" asked Y/N, as he picked up a copy of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1.

"Yes I was, your mum was a Slytherin, that's where she wants you to end up, says it'll help with making you ambitious. But if I'm being honest, I sure do hope you end up in Gryffindor, most Slytherins are a tad too snobby, big superiority complex that house has," said F/N. "Don't tell her I said that," he added, in a pleading tone.

Y/N made a zipping motion over his mouth, smiling at his father. 

Next on their list was Ollivanders where they found a very confused family standing in place, not knowing where to go.

"Are you lot lost?" asked F/N, a tad too eagerly, making the couple jump as he walked towards them. F/N was a nice man, he just came off as agressive.

"Ah-erm." The man stuttered, he and his wife looked rather intimidated by F/N who towered over them.

"Y-yes, we are." a bushy-haired girl cut in for her parents. "We are looking for Ollivanders, would you happen to know where it is."

"Right over there, we're heading over there right now," said F/N.

"We're the Grangers." The woman now known as Mrs. Granger said, reaching a hand out to shake F/N's hands, giving a polite wave to Y/N.

"I'm F/N L/N, and this is Y/N, my wife is at Flourish and Blotts looking for books, she'll catch up soon enough," said F/N. "Come along now, lets go before it gets busy," 

A/N: Hi Everyone! I just wanted to get a quick little chapter out here, I'd like to be consistent with uploads and hopefully I can with all the free time presented to me. I'd love feedback and comments, I'd love to interact with you all. 



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