❀ M C Weasley ❀

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"Where is it? Where is it?"

Maria mumbled to herself as she searched through racks and racks.

"You've been searching for a long time. Which book are you looking for.?"

A soft and raspy voice came from her back.

"Ugh. I'm searching for Midnight by Mossie Haythorn."

Maria said not even looking back.

"Need help looking for it?"

The voice asked again.

"Sure. Thanks."

She said still searching through shelves.

The voice was not heard for a while.

"Here you go. Midnight by Mossie Haythorn."

She turned around to see the one and only Remus Lupin.

Maria raised an eyebrow as she took the book from his hand.


She said.

"No worries. I'm Remus."

He extended his hand.

"Why thank you Remus."

She shook hands with him and walked away.

"Wait. I didn't catch your name."

He said loudly from the back.

"I didn't throw it."

She yelled walking to the check out.

Everyone was staring at Remus now.

He couldn't be more embarrassed.

He looked down putting his hands in his jeans pocket.

A book was on the floor.

A dark brown colored one.

It said "Property of M.C Weasley"


He whispered as he picked up the book.

At night in the Gryffindor common room, Remus found himself talking to Sirius, James and Peter.

"I need to gift Lily something. Something meaningful."

James sighed.

"How about a lingerie set?"

Sirius smirked.

"She'll call me a creep and avada Kedavra me if I gift her that."

"How about some flowers?"

Remus suggested.

"That's good but I often give her flowers. I need something really special."

James leaned back on the sofa.

"How about a drawing or painting of something she really likes?"

Peter Piped in.

James, Sirius and Remus looked at him in amusement.

"You know what Wormtail. That is a brilliant idea. Thank you"

James patted on Peter's shoulder.

"I can whip something up with a few spells right now."

James took his wand out.

"No no. Hand drawn or painted by hand."

Peter put out.

"He's right Prongs."

Sirius smiled at Peter.

"Well I can't draw even if my life depended on it. Can any of you?"

James looked at Remus.

"Don't look at me. I can take photos of you lot if you want."

Remus raised his hands in defeat.

James then looked at Sirius and Peter.

Both of them shrugged.

As if on cue, the portrait opened and a young girl fell inside the common room getting everybody's attraction.

Her cross body bag opened and parchment, quills, pencils and colour pencils spilled out out of it.

She got herself up and looked around embarrassed.

Remus was surprised.

It was the same girl from the library.

M.C Weasley.

She mumbled something as she collected all the things from the floor and stuffed it inside her bag.

She didn't dare to look up again.

The girl ran to the girls dormitories.

"Who was that?"

James asked.

"She's a Weasley from 4th year. Remember our old Arthur? His cousin."

Marlene Mckinnon dropped a set of books on the table near to them.

"Doesn't the Weasleys have red hair?"

Peter wondered.

"Maybe she got it from her Mother's side. Use your brain Pettigrew."

Marlene took an apple from her coat pocket and bit into it.

"Most of Hogwarts knows her. I'm surprised you lot don't know her"

Marlene said pulling a chair and sitting on it.

"Why? What's she famous for?"

Sirius leaned forward.

"She's a good artist. Have you seen her art of last year's Quidditch cup? Fucking amazing if you ask me."

She said pulling out a parchment and quill.


James seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Why don't we ask her to draw a picture of something Lily really likes Moony?"

Sirius wondered.

"That's what I was gonna say"

James leaned forward.


Remus agreed.

"It's all fixed then. We ask Artist Weasley to draw Lily something."

Sirius said.

The rest of the Marauders agreed.

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