Chapter 03: Family

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It was around Ten o clock when i left the school, making my way home to set up for the night. I walked in through the door and prepared the kitchen and tying my cooking apron over my dress shirt. I rolled up my sleeves, washing my hands before i began to prepare The food.

Preheated oven to two hundred degrees and  began to add crushed thyme, sage, salt, and pepper to a small bowl. I had just finished melting some butter and olive oil into a skillet as the front door was unlocked and my mother and my father's boss barged into the house. They were so distracted shoving their tongues down each other's throats that they didn't  notice me creeping up on them with a meat mallet until it was too late. I tied my unconscious mother to one of the kitchen chairs as skillfully carved a few pieces of meat from my father's employer. 

I began to rub the arrangements of spices over the slabs of meat before cooking for around four to five minutes. As the "Pork Chops" cooked i combined raspberry jam, orange juice, and vinegar, letting it boil until it was reduced to a thick sauce. Finally i decorated the plate with the  sauce before placing the meat down, garnishing the dish with sprigs of thyme.

After setting the first dish down i began working on the appetizer. Heating the oven to 400 i collected a hand full of potatoes Piercing them all over with a small knife, placing them on the center oven rack. I let them bake until the about forty minutes, giving the the chance to continue disposing of the corpse and prepare the "Bacon". After washing the blood from my hand and face i took the potatoes out to let them cool  after making sure they were crispy.

By the time i had finished i had prepared Loaded Baby Potatoes, Pork chops with Raspberry Sauce,Sesame-Ginger Roasted Broccoli, Chocolate Mousse, and disposed of a body with time to spare for father to get home.

Six o clock rolled around and H had finished setting the table by the time the door unlocked again. Not two minutes did my father walk through the door before lit up a Cigar. I walked out of the dining room following him as he walked up the stairs, turning Into his study. Before he could close the door i brought a Glass ash tray over his head 

The way his body hit the ground it was so very satisfying. The ashes scattered into the air as his blood dripped down onto the perfect white carpet.  I let the ashtray drop, lifting him by the shoulders, tossing him down the stairs. If you are thinking that was a bit of an overkill but to my defense i did not feel like straining myself to lift his unconscious body down the stairs and into the dining room.

Of course i did have to drag him into the dining room and sit him in the chair. I sigh in frustration at how much this man had to eat to be so heavy. I guess having two wives mean two dinners. I look over both of the people who i would consider my family. Now fully bound to the rather expensive dining room chairs. The large meal laid out before them. I undo my bloody apron, laying in on one of the chairs, near my unconscious father. I hum lightly to  the opera playing in the background as i pick up a bucket of gasoline. tossing it on my parents, waking them up. 

They look around in confusion using their one unbound arm to struggle against their ropes. I sit down in my seat replacing the now empty bucket with the small handgun i found in my mother's purse. They look at me in shock when they hear the loud clicking as i cock the gun, aiming it at them. The look on their face was so amusing i still remember it to this day.

"Hello Mother, Father." I say with a smile, pulling my plate closer. They look in confusion as i use my free hand to lift a fork and begin to sample the loaded baby potatoes. The taste was heavenly. My meal was however interrupted by the loud chiming of the doorbell. I stand from my seat in irritation to whoever was rude enough to interrupt such a meal. "Excuse me."

I walk over to the front door concealing my weapon and putting on a false smile as i open the door. I was greeted with the sight of my former babysitter, only a few years older than me wearing a rather tasteless outfit meant to be torn off at any moment. She Loudly chewed her gum, staring at me with disinterest. 

"Hey Kid Where is your Dad?" She asked with a bit of mischief in her voice. She smiled as if she believed i was completely blind to her and my father's relationship. The way work and their public image caused them to drift apart, leading them to seek out thrills. It started with my father who went astray with various women including the tramp of a babysitter before me. Next was my mother who got with his boss who in turn began to overload the man with work so he could sneak into the house and fulfill his needs without interruption. "Yes He is in the dining room."

I keep my fake smile as she pushes past me, slowly walking into the room. She gasped at the sight of my bound parents but before she could say anything i pushed the gun into her back, first shooting into her hip followed by Three places in her back. My mother screamed and my mother cursed me for my actions. She fell to the ground, trying to pull herself up in obvious pain. I adjust my tie and pick up my fork again, taking another bite of my food.

"Your food will get cold, Go on eat." I say aiming the weapon at them. The babysitter weakly trying to drag herself, slowly to the exit. My mother and father look at her before lifting their own forks. The dinner was beyond delicious and i was rather proud of myself for my creation but i knew i couldn't dwell on it to much. I stand from my spot, tapping a napkin to my lips and resting it on my plate. I smile walking into the kitchen, grabbing a meat cleaver and follow the trail of blood my father's mistress left on her destination to the door. She reached up with hope in her eyes as she was so close to escape. That hope was stolen from me as i being the cleaver into her back roughly. I bring the blade down continuously, her loud screams echoing over The blissful melody. 

Her perfectly manicured nails clawed at the tile floor until they broke off from the pain. Her warm blood splashing over my face and staining my clothes. She began to choke on her own sobs as well as the blood filling her throat until, silence. I sigh in satisfaction, leaving the blade embedded in her back. I let go of the handle, moving into the living room, shedding the blood stained clothes in replacement for a freshly pressed red Shirt and black pants. My next destination was the kitchen, splashing water on my bloody face, tapping it with a towel. 

I walked into the room seeing my mother and father once again trying to escape. I sigh at their rudeness, rewarding them with a shot through the shoulders. They screamed in pain but i ignored their presence, even when they begged me for a reason. I only smiled at the idea of them dying without the satisfaction of an answer of why their only son would take their life. 

I made my way over picking up another container of gasoline, dumping it all over the room. The protested and tried to struggle but their arms wouldn't move. I move from room to room, dumping the strong liquid all over the memories of my past. After every surface was coated with the chemical did i look back at my parents. Tears brimmed their eyes but there was something strange. I felt nothing for them, all i saw from the two who had raised me was something to destroy.

I opened the front door tossing a lit match behind me, looking back to see the destructive flames engulf the large house. I watched through the open door as the house burned. The loud screams of my parents echoed through the flames until it was just the crinkling of the fire. The heat caused the glass windows to shatter and somewhere further in the house, an explosion occurred. I waited until the house has completely collapsed and the flames consumed everything before i left my family estate into my new life.

Hybristophylia Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ