Chapter 02: First Blood

Start from the beginning

My mother and father who expected nothing but perfection from me were not too pleased when they had to attend a parent teacher meeting over my actions. I sat with both of them on either side of me as the principal explained what that poor excuse for a teacher had told him. The smile never left my lips as i looked the man dead in those deep brown eyes. I could tell that he too was angry as well as my parents.

“We do not tolerate violence at this highly regarded establishement.” He exclaimed in frustration, his gaze shifting back and forth between my parents, not daring to meet my gaze. To be honest this annoyed me sllightly but i wouldn’t let him know that. “This is a place of education not some zoo, and if you cannot control your child i-.”

“Parden my interuption sir but what you are saying is truly tiresome.” I interupted standing from my seat to look at him. I would not allow him to talk as if i were some child who did not understand the concepts of right or wrong. “It is amusing how you have the nerve to talk about me as if i were not in the room. I am fully capable of explaining myself without the need of my mother and father here or you waisting our time.”

“Really? well then boy explain to me what excatly gave you the idea it was ok to stab one of your teachers?” He asked in a mocking way, expecting to rile me up with such childish methods. “That is not something a well behaved little boys do.”

“To start off addressing me as a child does nothing more than make you look like a fool, so if you would kindly adress me properly.” I say watching him grit his teeth in annoyance. I clear my throat before continuing. “As for your argument, i found that I wasn’t particularly in the mood to be slapped by that disgusting pig of a teacher simply because we share a disagreement.”

“Are you trying to imply that he was the one who started this quarell?” The principal asked, doubt spread across his features. “I honstly find that hard to believe.”

“No i am not denying that i started this, however for a school who doesn’t believe in resorting to violence you do have a tendency to let your animals run free.” I say resting my hands on the woor of his desk. “If i did not defend myself like i did then i could have filed an assualt charge which would inevitably bring up questions about this “Prestigious” school’s integrity.”

At this point i knew i had the man backed into a corner. There was no escaping, the only thing he could do was submit. I managed to make my parents a bit more irritated at my behaviour but by no means were they going to stop me from trying to clean up the mess that they felt i made. They watched, unamused as i managed to blackmail my nervous principal into keeping me in the system.

Long story short i returned back to school the next morning with a contempt smile on my face. Of course after school i was once again confronted by the same imicile and two of his freinds. I frowned as they had the nerve to touch my uniform before dragging me into the back woods behind the school’s lacross feild. The boys were bold enough to throw me to the ground, soiling my clothes in the process.The Leader of this bunch smiled as he took an old bat preparing to swing it down on me.

I should have been scared of the three but all that i could feel at that moment was excitement. My heart raced and adrenaline pumped through my veins. At that moment i felt something other than the constant boredom that filled my life. He brought the bat down, which i deflected with my arm. I could hear the bone crack but i didn’t yet feel the pain. I took hold of the bat with my good hand, pulling him into me, He tried to yank the bat from my grasp when i let go, watching him fall backwards. 

I stood to my feet kicking him hard in his nether reigons and pick up the discarded bat. The two boy’s came at me, wanting to defend their freind, swinging their own wepons. I blocked one of the bats with my own, the sound of aluminum clashing together, while grabbing the bat with my injured hand. This of course caused more damage but i was having too much fun to even think of the pain. I pulled the bat away bringing it down on one boy’s knuckles. 

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