25 | Resurrection

Start from the beginning

Casually an explosion transpires in the room. Yes, casually, we all flinch as if we have seen a giant spider. My father charges out the room, yelling "DOCTOR!" at the top of his lungs.

My mother and I stand still, not knowing what to do or say, or anything... He had let go of my hand, he had at his own accord opened his own hand and pulled it away! Did this mean he was conscious? Was he awake? Could I shake him? I want to wake him so bad it's like a physical pain, and I am sure my mother feels the same desire.

She leans forward placing her hand gently on his cheek, "Sammy? Sam, darling?" She mutters sweetly, she isn't trying to wake him, she is trying to get him to move again. He does. He scratches his nose. He scratches it as if it's nothing, as if he hasn't done so for a fortnight.

Again my heart is beating rapidly, trying to punch its way through my ribcage. But this time an exited and blissful feeling floats through my body. Is he awake?

A nurse comes charging in, heading straight for the machines on Sam's side. She watches them for a minute, then turns to Sam, watching him, puts the back of her hand against his forehead. He moves again, just a little. But it's more movement than we have got for days.

"It seems he is out of the coma." she declares, as if it isn't obvious, "Now all we have to do is wait for him to wake by himself. But I think he's out of the woods." she smiles at us, a genuine smile.

My mother and father go to talk to her outside, but I sit down on the bed besides Sam.

For the next two hours I simply watch. As if the small movements my brother does in his sleep, is the most beautiful thing in the whole entire world.

My parents join my after 15 minutes. Nothing is the same. The curtains have been drawn back, letting the grey sky, fill the room with natural, happy-grey, light. The feeling of dread leaves the room as we watch my brother. He is awake.

I could charge out the room again, go run, charge over the green grass, screaming at the top of my lungs, but this time it would be in tribute to happiness and hope, not sadness and despair.

As the second hour draw to an end, I remember my text to Skye and reckon I probably have to elaborate on it. She must be going out of her mind. If not for Sam's sake, then for me.

'He's out of the woods. He moved! He freaking moved!' I write. A couple minutes late my phone rings and vibrates, alerting me with a picture of Skye smiles happily out at me.

"Jamie!" she exclaim immediately when I pick up the phone. I don't get a chance to even introduce myself, "is he okay? Has he woken up? Are you okay? Please, be okay." she drones as I get up leaving the relatively quiet room for the hall outside. "I've been worried out of my mind!"

"Hey Skye," I smile and chuckle at her nervous jabbing, "Yeah, he is gonna wake up, Skye! It's just a matter of hours." I can barely believe the words leave my lips.

"I'm so happy to hear that!" she sighs, "What about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! More than fine actually, I'm ecstatic!" I squeak, "my brother isn't gonna die, Skye! What do you think?!"

"Yeah, I guess that's a stupid question." she says shyly. "I am happy he's okay! the others will be relieved to hear that!"

I laugh, I never knew something so simply could feel so good. Laughing.

"How is thing at home?" I ask. "Gone mad yet?" Suddenly feeling like I've been gone for ages. It's only been a couple days..

"People are hung over." she says, but as she goes on her voice sound odd and restrained, "all the news really got to people yesterday, we threw ourselves a pity-party."

"Oh, are you guys alright?" I ask, I still smile at the thought of my brother, lying conscious, probably dreaming in the next room.

"We're fine, hung over but fine." Her voice sounds strange.

"Is something wrong, Skye?" I ask.

"No? Why should anything be wrong?" She reply, but her voice still sounds strange. Too high pitched.

"Scarlett,-"I say sternly. I know something is up.

"It's nothing, nothing is wrong, wrong," she says wearily,


"No, seriously, go to your brother. Mothing is wrong, and if there was it could wait till you got home." She dismisses my worry.

"Skye, you still sound strange.." I repeat my thoughts.

"It's nothing."

No, what is it, Skye? Something is wrong, isn't it?" I say, suddenly worrying that the set has gone up in flames or a car has exploded in front of the flats.

"No! No, everything is fine. Perfect." She says. "Don't worry about it."

"Skye, you sound weird. Please tell me if something is up.." I plead.

She is quite.

"Please, Skye? don't spare my feeling just because of wwhat happened to my brother. I want to know."

She is still silent.

"Skye?" I mumble. Has the line died?

Then I hear her sight heavily, "My dad contacted me." she lets out.


She repeats.

"Your dad?"

"Yup.." she mutters weakly, "High and mighty, baby daddy."

That wasn't exactly what I had expected, "What'd he say?"

She grunts as if the thought amused her slightly, "He told me, he never loved my mother," her voice bitter, despite the little laugh she lets out now and again, "but he is sorry for leaving me anyway." she finishes.


"Mm-hm," she hums. "He's a dick."

"Yeah.." I feel like I should say something more, I just don't know what.

"Jamie! He has woken up! Jamie!" my mother exclaims from the door.

"Skye, I am sorry. But.."

"Jamie come on!" my mother encourage again.

"Sam just woke up, Skye! I need to go. He has woken up! I'm so sorry! We'll talk about this soon, okay?" I apologize.

"It's okay! Go see you brother! Go give him a big hug from me!" she replies understandingly.

"I will!"

"See you soon!" she says, but her voice still high pitched. Whether she knows it or not. I know she is hurting and it tears at me that I have to hang up on her. I don't want to, but my brother just...

"Jamie! Come on! h'He is asking for you!" my mother insists.

"Yes, see you soon, love!" I end the call. Love? Where the hell did that come from? I race into the room, my heart racing in excitement. My brother is awake! He is not fucking dead!

"Hey Jamie," my brother mutters in a low raspy voice. I don't think I have ever smiled so much and so genuinely. Ever.

"Hey Sammy."

A/N: did you seriously think I was gonna kill of Sam? Now come on...

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