"Lady Fayeth! Did you not hear what we just said?" Lindir called after her.

"Of course I did", she shouted back, not stopping in her track. "So thanks for the heads up. Now I know to close my eyes. "

It was easy to find the dwarves. They were so loud, you could probably hear them on the other side of Rivendell.

"Hello Andrea!", Kili shouted, as he spotted her. He was standing in the upper pond of the fountain, waving to her. She had a hand over her eyes, but waved back with the other.

"Hello Kili", she answered. "And Fili, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Nori, Dori and Thorin. "

"Nice to see you here", Bofur called, sitting on Bifurs shoulders. "Do you want to come in?"

Andy let out a laugh, slowly walking closer.

"No thanks. I'm quite good. However, I here because..."

"She's water shy!", Fili interrupted her. Andy rolled her eyes, unnoticed to the dwarves because they were still covered by her hand.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Could y..."

"Why are you covering your eyes?", Dori asked, sitting in the water.

"Because, I do not want to see thirteen naked dwarves", Andy answered, as calm as possible, but she could feel herself get edgy, because of the dwarves interrupting her th ewhole time. 

A few of the dwarves had to snicker. It was fun to them, seing  Andrea Baggins flustered.

"Who said we are naked?", Kili asked with a sly smile on his face.

"Two Elves who now have trauma of seeing thirteen naked dwarves! I promised them, this would not get out of hand and dwarves have good manners. And here you are, bathing in one of their sacred fountains. "

The dwarves just rolled their eyes, a grin on their lips. Kili decided to have a little fun and jumped down into the lower pool, creating a huge splash. As the water hit  the blind Andy she squealed in surprise. The dwarves burst out in laugher.

"You little piece of shit!", Andy cussed.

Thinking that was fun, Fili splashed her aswell.

"Okay, that's it", she took her hand off her eyes, keeping them close and jumped into the pool. Eventhough it was a little bit harder to orientate herself, she managed quite well without her eyesight. She had spend enough time trying to escape Goblin Town, to be used to being able to seing lttle to nothing. She had to learn to trust on her ears and touch.  Oin and Gloin quickly moved aside, seeing her flying straight towards them. Diving into the water, Andy was now fully wet. And therefore immune against any water the brothers splashed at her. Surprised, Fili and Kili gasped for air, exchanging a look. Doing so, they gave away their position. Like a tiger, Andy jumped at them, grabbing a hold of Fili's shoulders. With a scream, he lost his balance, falling back into the water. His head broke through the surface and he gasped for air. Andy did not give him any time to recover and pressed his head back under water. Not for long, though. She was sure; he was still traumatised from almost drowning a few weeks ago. Hearing splashing to her right, she knew Kili was on the run. She let go of Fili and ran after him. Well, more like stumbled. 

"You can't run from me, princeling!", she called out. Suddenly, the splashing of his steps stopped. Holding in her tracks, she listened.

"Where is that orcbutt kisser?", she hissed turning her head around. With a squeal she fell into the water, as something pulled her feet away . Swallowing water, she broke through the surface again, now coughing. A foot brushed passed her arm and she grabbed it, yanking it back. Kili's jell drowned, as his head sunk under water. He tried to swim away, but Andrea was already sitting on his back, her weight pushing him down. However, she did not leave him out of air for too long. She did not want to kill anyone. Spitting and coughing Kili came back up.

The Adventure of Andrea BagginsWhere stories live. Discover now