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*not edited yet



Eddie completely ignored me and continued taking his stuff.

"Eddie don't be a piece of shit, just go through!" I choked. I felt tears in my eyes. He finally looked at me, the slightest amount of hesitation in him.

"Eddie, please." At this point I couldn't even see him. Everything was a blur. Everyone I loved left me to the point where I couldn't even find anyone to love me anymore. And now that I did, I dragged my luck onto them. I couldn't let him leave me too. This was my fault. I knew better than to fall in love with someone at a time like this. I brought this on myself.

I felt him cup my cheeks with his warm hands, making the tears finally fall. Faintly, I could see him looking at me. He wiped the tears off my cheeks and pressed another kiss on my lips. "I love you, Jade." The warmth of his hands were gone in a snap of a finger and now so was he.


The door closed and that was the last I saw of him. The last I saw of him before he goes and kills himself, and for what? A shitty town that doesn't give a shit about him? About anyone? I ran to the door and tried to open it but he had already barricaded it with something. I kicked the door, letting out a scream and slid down onto the floor, sobbing into my hands. Once again I was left to cry into my own arms.

I heard grunting and when I looked up, I saw Dustin trying to get back over. I wasn't going to let him die because of me too. I quickly took a spear and cut the rope and moved the mattress.

"Jade! No! Jade stop!"

I ignored him and went back to the door, trying to open it. I pounced and kicked but it didn't budge. It didn't stop me. With one final kick I got it to open but there was still something on the other side. When I took a step, roaring pain shot up my leg and I suddenly fell to my knees. I had busted my ankle and the whole right side of my body was sore.

What bullshit.

It was all bullshit. Everything was stupid. I was stupid. I shouldn't have fallen in love. I shouldn't have let him leave. I shouldn't have kicked so hard. Everything was my fault. This was my fault.  I'm a jinx. I'm bad luck. What did I think was going to happen? I'm Cinderella. There is no happy ending for me. Nothing ever works out for me and it Never will.


I wasn't going to sit and mourn.

"Don't come here. Please. Don't come after us." I looked back at Dustin who was standing frozen on the other side.

"Jade! No! You can't do this!"

I stood up, ignoring the pain and Dustin, still stumbling. Weakly, I pushed the dood open more and made my way through. I closed it and barricaded it again in case Dustin wanted to play hero. Though I really wish he didn't.

I stumbled out of the trailer, following the sound of the bats. I could see the bats swarming around Eddie, making a lump form in my throat. I was numb. I wanted to help. I needed to. I had to. But I stood there. Watching him. Not because I wanted to. I was paralyzed. Paralyzed in my own fear. My own luck.

In seconds, the bats went from eating him alive to falling to the ground. I scurried over to Eddie who was lying in pain.

"Eddie? Eddie! No. No no no no no no." I fell to my knees next to him, pulling him into my lap. Blood covered his lips and shirt.

"Bad, huh?" He choked.

"No. We're gonna get out of here. Were gonna get you to a hospital and you're gonna be fine." I lied. I knew it was a lie. I knew he wasn't gonna make it. It was all bullshit. I was bullshit. "You're gonna be okay, Eddie. I'm not letting you go."

Freaks | Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now