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We all leaned over the table in Max's trailer, peering over the book Eddie slammed down. I let out a huff as I listened to Eddie.

"Check this out. The War Zone. I've been there once. It's huge. They got everything you need for uh—well, killing things basically?"

"You think fake Rambo has enough guns there? Is that a grenade? I mean— how is any of this legal?" Robin pointed at the pictures.

"Well, lucky for us it is... so.. This— this place is just far enough outside of Hawkins. As long as we steer clear of the main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops and uh— angry hicks."

"If we're going to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn't go to some store called The War Zone." Erica furrowed her brows.

"Normally I'd agree but we need the weapons so I think it's worth the risk."

"Me too." Lucas agreed with Nancy.

"Yeah, but is it worth the time? It'll take all day to bike there and back."

I let a smile stretch on my face before replying to Dustin. "Who said anything about bikes?"

"What- you got some sort of car we don't know about?" Steve turned to look at me.

"It's not exactly a car, Steve. And it's not exactly mine, but uh— it'll do." I straightened up off the table. "Hey, Red, uh- you got a ski mask or a bandanna? Something like that?" I turned around to face Max who stood away from the group.

I handed the Halloween mask to Eddie with a big grin on my face. He glared at the mask, then up at me.

"Is this really necessary?"

"As much as I love your face, Eds, can't really risk you getting caught. So yes." I tilted my head, waving the mask around in my hand and Eddie let out a sigh and took it. He pulled it over his head and I let out a loud laugh. "Hah! Get a load of that!"

"Not a word." Eddie's voice came muffled through the mask. I could hear Dustin giggling next to me while the rest of the group stared at us.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go people!" Steve clapped his hands and we followed him out of the house, Dustin and I still slapping eachother and laughing.


We hid on the side of a trailer as I waved my hands for the group to follow me. I caught a glimpse of Eddie's mask, slipping a giggle. Dustin chuckled behind me, earning a glare from Nancy. We ran past houses, making it behind an RV. I opened the window and hopped inside, landing on a couch.

"That was suffocating." I could hear Eddie huff as the rest of the group came in.

I made my way to the steering wheel, locking the door from the inside on the way there. I looked back at Eddie, sending a quick whistle and ripping out the wires under the wheel. "You got this?" I tossed him a pair of plyers and he immediately started hot wiring.

I leaned next to the wires, crossing my arms as Steve peeked behind Eddie. "Where'd you learn how to do this?"

"Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot wire. Now, I swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like he did, but now I'm wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto. So yeah, I'm really living up to that Munson name."

"It's okay Ed's, I'll teach you how to play ball." I hummed.

"Yeah? Cute."

"Uh— Eddie? I'm not sure I love the idea of you driving. Either of you." Robin popped up behind Steve and shot her eyes between Eddie and I.

"Oh, were just starting this sucker. Harrington's got her. Don't cha big boy?" I leaned my head towards Steve who sent a fake smile at me. A faint chuckle came from Eddie, soon followed by the sound of the engine starting and the radio.

"Nice work Myers." I smirked.

The owners of the vehicle slammed on the door and yelled at us as Steve switched with Eddie, swearing under his breath. The rest of us ran to sit down.

"Everybody hold onto something!" Steve yelled. We all yelled back at him to drive and suddenly we were being thrown around in the RV, swaying every direction. I laughed loudly in pride as everyone swore.

"Shit they look pissed."

"I mean it's not every day you lose your house and your car in one fell swoop." Robin replied to Dustin. Steve ran over some garbage bins making me yelp and laugh while everyone else held on for their lives.

"Man! I am loving that Munson name Eds." I held up my hand and he took it, hopping over next to me from next to Lucas. We laughed and sighed as Steve drove away.


My head laid on Eddie's shoulder as we played rock paper scissors to pass the time. The mood died down and I was starting to get a gut feeling about everything.

"You think this is gonna work?" I dropped my hand, still not making eye contact with Eddie.


"I mean—just.. I don't know if a few grenades is gonna stop everything. I feel like Vecna's a lot more powerful than we think." I straightened up, finally looking at him.

"Hey. No. We're gonna kill that son of a bitch. He should've known better than to fuck with Jaden the Freak Miller." He smiled, reaching for my hand as I chuckled and laid my head back over his shoulder.

"Yeah. I mean— I'm pretty badass."

"You sure? I think I might be just a little more badass."

"Nah. I'm pretty badass. But you can dream, Eds." I rubbed his hand with my thumb, hearing him chuckle and lay his head over mine. The smile never left my face as I stared ahead.

I was really falling for Eddie the Freak Munson.

Freaks | Eddie Munson x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz