Aidan's hand immediately went to Jesse's arm, shaking his head quickly. Jesse sat back down on the edge and rested his hand over Aidan's.

"I'll try to keep to yes or no questions," he said. It sounded like he was smiling, and genuinely trying to communicate with Aidan.

I knocked at the door but before either of them could answer, Alyssa pushed it open and walked in. Aidan's legs came up to his chest, hiding his body from us. Jesse stood up quickly but hung his head, his eyes plastered to his feet. Once again, the man was toying with his fingers. Such an awkward one he was. Dominant in bed, and clearly from that tongue action earlier, but he just appeared to be a shy young man right now.

"Aidan," Alyssa said.

Aidan looked at her silently. His eyes flickered to me, and he saw the whiteboard. He held his hand out for it and I stepped forward to hand it to him. He breathed in as he began to write on it.

"I told you not to use sex to feel better," Alyssa continued, ignoring that he was trying to write. "And apparently, I needed to be a bit more specific with Stockholm here."

"Are you trying to imply I'm manipulating them?" Jesse spoke up. "Aidan punched me the first time he saw me. He's got more of a mind than you give him credit for, Ma'am."

"Oh yeah?" Alyssa blinked. "What? Are you suddenly his servant or something? Do you do everything he says and that's why he's comfortable? Two grown-ass men, one of whom has already abused him, in the same room, and he's the one in control?"

Aidan tapped his hand on the tub, and we all turned to look at his board.

I'm a grown-up. Who I choose to sleep with is on me and only me. No one else. Jesse is on thin ice but he's trying. He's not given me a reason to punch him again, at least.

"I don't know how to take that but," Jesse nodded. "At least I know you'd punch me again if I did something out of turn."

Alyssa opened her mouth to say something more when Aidan held up the whiteboard again.

I want my damn aftercare.

"Tell us what you want, sweetheart," I softly replied.

I didn't want to get in the middle of something. If he wanted me to speak up, he could tell me that. If he wanted me to be silent, I'd be silent. As much as Alyssa is right about not using sex, Aidan seems to be figuring himself out. If this thing with Jesse lasted a while or only until the end of the day, it didn't matter.

As long as Aidan was okay. As long as he was alive, happy, comfortable, and safe. That was it for me. He was my boyfriend, my Sub, and I only wanted what was best for him. Maybe the idea of being able to control someone who hurt him is what's driving him?

I want to talk to Alyssa in a bit. Please wait in the kitchen. I want to look at my boyfriend, I want to see my kind eyes. Jesse can join me here too if he needs to clean himself and wants to be here.

I couldn't help but smile at the kind eyes remark. I nodded in response though, staying silent. Alyssa took a deep breath in and left the room without speaking, slamming the door shut. We all flinched at the noise. Aidan set the whiteboard down and waited.

"I'll have a quick shower then wait outside with... Alyssa, was it?" Jesse answered. "I know I've met her before, I just never caught the name."

"Are you sure you don't want to join us in the tub?" I asked as I stripped down.

I stepped into the warm tub and breathed a sigh of relief. It felt so good, extra warm. Aidan moved onto my lap as soon as I sat in the tub. Well, he straddled me. His arms went around my frame and held me tightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

His voice was barely a whisper. "She's upset with me."

"Just think about why you let me touch you," Jesse suggested as he turned on the shower. He started to strip down. Before he stepped into the shower, he looked at both of us and breathed in sharply. "I don't know why you did," he continued. "But I'm grateful I have another chance. I did like you when we met. I'm disgusted with myself that I let my blind hatred... take over."

"Another chance at what exactly?" I hissed, taking in a deep breath to calm myself. "Sorry, that was... I'm not getting possessive."

"I'm not going to try and steal him, but if I have any sort of friendship with him," Jesse answered. "Like... a sort of friend with benefits. I'll learn how to care for him like you do and keep it solely platonic."

"I think I enjoy this because I know I have all the power," Aidan answered.

"You really do," Jesse remarked from the shower.

"I like that Gabe would protect me and I like that I can control what you do, Jesse," Aidan continued, his eyebrows furrowed as he figured it out. "I enjoy knowing I have that control and you're proving to me you've changed."

"Oh, how I would protect you, Little One," I hummed.

"What would you do if I hurt him again?" Jesse asked.

He finally stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He was using a smaller towel to dry his hair as he looked at me.

"I try not to be violent, but..."

"Go on, I can take it. You'd kill me, carve me up?"

"If you ever hurt Aidan," I hummed in thought. "I'd simply carve out your eyes from their sockets and shove them down that pretty little throat."

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