I swallowed. "My name is Gabriel, I'll be speaking on behalf of Aidan. He has this statement to present to the reporters and their audiences." I glanced down at him, giving his hand a squeeze. I could feel him shaking beside me, but I couldn't do anything more. It broke my heart. But I kept my cool, looking down at the paper.

"Aidan states; I have recently been made aware that one of the men who attacked me, Jesse Stilton," my voice catches on the last name, finally realising why Aidan was so worried at my workplace. Surely he's not the estranged son. It's just a coincidence, right? "Has been allowed to leave prison early, tomorrow morning in fact. While I do not stand by the decision to release him, I mean him no harm or hatred. I have no plans to talk to the man, though that may change depending on the reason. I will, at this point however, respectfully ask for him to be better in his life and hope that no one else will be harmed upon his release. What I went through is surely on his mind just as much as it is on mine, and there is no way to change the past, but instead consider the possibility of a better future. That is all that will be said on the matter. If Gabriel wishes to answer some questions on my behalf, please be kind and don't talk over each other."

As I finished and folded up the piece of paper, people started asking questions. Words mixed together, completely ignoring the last part of Aidan's message. I sighed out loudly, hanging my head for a moment. Taking time to prepare myself, I lifted my head and spoke loudly.

"I'll take questions," I forced out. "But you are going to have to be silent. I'll point to people if need be. But this is only going to work if I can actually hear people."

They all fell silent and like little school children, raised their hands. I pointed to one lady who had stayed quiet while the others tried to interject. If she had such consideration to wait, maybe she'd have some nicer questions.

"Mine's technically a two-part question, if I may," she said, and I nodded for her to continue. "Your name is Gabriel Miller, correct?"

My lips pressed together. They must have searched the address and found the ownership. I declined to give them my name the other day. I doubt they would have found it any other way. "Yes."

"Are you, and Aidan, aware that your father's company will be having Stilton coming in on Monday?" she asked. "As a favour to the family, given that his father, despite being estranged from his son, was one of the co-owners of the company."

Aidan's body stiffened. The answer was obvious. We just didn't want to acknowledge it. We didn't want to see it there. He squeezed gently. Answer.

"I was not aware, and seeing as I wasn't aware, neither was Aidan." I pointed to another person.

"You two are partners, correct? How does he feel knowing that one of his abusers will be working for you?" a tall man with glasses and a notepad asked calmly.

I gritted my teeth. I felt Aidan squeeze my hand. Answer.

"I'm not okay with it, I won't deny it," I managed to speak. "I'm pretty sure he would not be either. I'll be having a long discussion with my father, Mr Stilton, and Aidan as soon as humanly possible about the situation. In the end, it will more than likely be up to my father and what Aidan has to say on it."

"But what do you expect him to do if he can't have a job, a life?" one of them interrupted before I could point to another.

I was starting to get angrier. My face was flushed. I forgot to wait for Aidan's signal and started talking.

"He made his choices last year," I said, breathing out heavily. "He should have thought about that before hurting someone. But in the end, if Aidan is quite happy to let the man go about his life in the hope that he's changed, then we will allow him the opportunity to prove it at the warehouse. I hope you all have a wonderful day, but we are done here."

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