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Jisoo drank some palm wine.

In the dimly lit mezzanine, a few thin rays of light penetrated the rotting gap in the narrow window, which was covered with old wooden slats. The kerosene lamp rested on a dusty wooden chest.

"Cough" – inhaling the ash, Jisoo coughed. She took out a white silk handkerchief embroidered with a wild chrysanthemum flower, then put it up to cover her mouth to prevent a prolonged dry cough.

This was her grandmother's residence before her death,

Also a forbidden room.

Dad had soon decreed that no one was allowed to come here.

Following the dim light from the kerosene lamp, Jisoo finally found a thick book in an antique chest.

Based on the contents of the notebook, Jisoo made the sign of the Cross in front of her chest, then mumbled cautiously the incantation recorded on the page.

Her palms began to sweat, because this ritual had to be done secretly and carefully, in order to avoid everyone's attention.

Taking advantage of the time when dad and sisters were busy with a banquet, Jisoo mustered up the courage to come here, preparing for the summoning of the "Guardian".

The girls in Jisoo's maternal family are all capable of summoning their own guardian angels.

However, Jisoo was never seen with her own eyes.

Also because her mother died early, the guardian god followed the owner and disappeared into nothingness, like a fragile dewdrop falling from a leaf.

However, the only thing her mother passed on from a handmaiden's account helped Jisoo know what a guardian angel looked like: pointy ears, green eyes, brown hair, snow-white skin.

Looks like the beautiful elves chanted in ancient poems.

Pure and kind, they will do their best to serve their master.

But this time, the "guardian" was not an elf or an angel, but a minion of the devil.

If discovered, Jisoo would surely be seen as a witch, bound and tied to a cross, and then burned to death by fire.

Jisoo whispered the final syllable of the spell.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew past, cold as if forming a layer of frost. The flame from the kerosene lamp flickered and turned to a dark blue color, finally turned off.

The narrow attic suddenly fell into silence.

Jisoo trembled and opened her eyes wide.

There is no guardian angel.


Before she could adjust to the darkness, she heard someone calling her urgently from below: "Lady, the Baron is looking for you."

Jisoo immediately lifted her dress. Relying on her excellent memory, she nimbly dodges obstacles in the dark, then from the rickety loft, she stomped on the old wooden steps that were creaking, and hurried downstairs.

Looks like the summoning ritual has failed.

Jisoo calmed herself and considered: If she tried again tonight in her bedroom, the probability of not being detected...

...will be zero.

In fact, in order to prevent Jisoo from escaping control, aside from going to the bathroom, she was always supervised by her father's servants.

And the closer she got to her coming of age, the more rigorous this kind of surveillance became.


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