despair for both of us

Start from the beginning

"Alright mate I'll talk to you soon" I said we bet our goodbyes and hung up I sat on the same hotel bed eyeing the half full bottle of whisky fuck it I thought getting the bottle necking the booze I needed something to take the pain away

If I'm like this god Lucy will be distort how the fuck am I going to fix this

(Lucy's pov)
How could he the basterd he cheated and he denied it to my face

I drove to penny and David's house to pick rhiannon up and take her home I didn't want to be here anymore I wanted home but then again that will just hurt me aswell with the memories

I cried as I drove the rain hitting off my windscreen everywhere I looked it reminded me of him of us tears on the steering wheel dripping on the seat huh funny that init how much this is like do me a favour yet another memory my heart breaking with every second that passed I can't do this how can i alex is my life he's literally my everything but he clearly didn't feel the same I feel played

I wish we never went to that stupid party
Happy new year my arse

"Fuck him" I sobbed taking a turn entering the street he grew up in I parked the car I looked in the little mirror part wiping my tears composing myself to make it look like I haven't broke down in the car once I looked a bit ok I got out locking the doors

I knocked on the door waiting patiently for someone to answer god how will I tell them what happened how will I tell rhiannon my mind was elsewhere I didn't realise David opened the door
"Lucy love you alright" he asked snapped me out my trance "oh yeah David I'm just here to pick rhiannon up" I sadly smiled David let me in the house we sat in the living room rhiannon was in Alex's old room playing for a bit

"Lucy dear you alright have you been crying Where's alex" she asked right there I just started to cry penny immediately hugged me "What's the matter Lucy dear what happened" she asked I just cried sobbing my heart out
"We're over penny" was all I could manage to get out penny hugged me tighter David hugged me aswell both comforting me

Once I calmed down a bit penny asked what happend I told them everything it's safe to say they were shocked, angry and disappointed in alex "I mean was it something I did?, does he not love me anymore? I just don't understand" I asked myself outloud tears slipped out my eyes just as I thought I had none left more tears come out my eyes

"Lucy you done nothing at all and he does love you I just don't know what's gotten into him why he did such a horrible thing it's not the alex I know" penny said I gave a sad smile my head downwards looking at my old boots
"It's not alex I just I don't know penny I wish I did I wish we never went to that party" I sighed

I stayed for a cup of tea before me and Rhiannon headed home I knew alex would take a chance and look for me here or my mums I didn't want to see him at all how could I after that

"Where's dad" rhiannon asked in the car as we drove off "your dad's staying here for a bit longer he wanted to stay to spend time with nana and grandad turner" I said rhiannon nodded and went back to drawing on the window with her finger

(Alex's pov)
A bottle of whisky was empty and a few more at the bar in the hotel before I knew it I was in a taxi to my mum and dad's she'll be there she's has to be I looked out the window the old buildings we used to hang about well before we started dating why did it have to be like this

Soon enough I was staggering out of the taxi walking to my mums house I entered the house to find my mum and dad talking about me but I didn't hear lucy I walked into the living room trying not to fall

"Alexander David Turner look at the state your in" my mum sighed disappointed "mum Where's-wheres lucy has she been here Where's rhiannon" I slurred barely able to hold my eyes open "they've gone alex what do you think your playing at last night" my dad said clearly angry with me

I started to cry once again "mum dad I never cheated I swear on my daughters life I never cheated she tried it on and I told her no I love my wife" I drunkly said yes she's not my wife but she was going to be my wife "and someone must've took that picture to make it seem like it was the complete opposite" I continued

"You didn't" my mum asked I scrunched my face up "of course I fucking didn't mum why would I I loved lucy since as long as I can remember" I raised my voice a bit my mum was taking a back "don't raise your voice alex just go get a sleep and sober up" my dad now raised his voice "how can I sleep dad I need to see Lucy where did she go" I desperately asked "home alex now sober up" my mum answered

Fuck she's gone I need to go home

Again I cried while writing this listening to despair in the departure lounge and do me a favour on repeat

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now