A wish

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This story will contain sensitive subjects I will put out a warning before you read

This is angst no comfort so don't expect a happy ending

Ooc characters

There's no villains to be honest athanasia is the villainess I wrote her character to be like Penelope from death is the only ending for the villainess, ceyana from the villainess is a marionette, Roxana from how to protect the female leads older brother, and a little bit of Sarah Lynn from bojack  horseman, there will be a lot of character bashings


"I only have one wish angel or devil it doesn't matter please help me" athanasia cried she felt useless and drained, 18 years of torture to gain his attention and affection only to get killed at the end by her father's orders, if I knew this was going to be my fate I would've changed so much and live my freely and not try so hard for his attention, I wish I could change myself I saw how they looked at me with pity and disgust I heard what they said about me and my mother

"Hello child i see died over a crime you didn't commit" a woman coming out of nowhere she had dark hair and were dark eyes with horns on her head, she looked beautiful

"A shame really, you asked for a wish thankfully I heard you what do you wish for my dear child" she said will she give me my wish

"What's the catch" I said not trusting her it may be a trick

"A smart one good, but there is no catch i watched you since you were a child and saw your story i pity how your life was ended so think of this as a birthday wish"

"what is your name"

"Yes my name is moira I am a spirit"

"Well moira my wish is for to have another chance I want revenge then to live my life freely and in peace"athanasia said she wants revenge on all of them mostly roger and Rosalia they were the reason why she was executed if they didn't frame her she would have never died

"I can do that but you'll die at the age you died it's the rules, I'll give you all of the tools and abilities to continue with your revenge" she said she felt bad for the fallen princess she was hoping to see her in person she was hoping for her to say to have a happy ending with her family as it was my fault that her life ended shortly

"And what are they" athanasia asked

"You'll know when you wake up I'll have a book to explain everything, do you agree with our agreement princess" moira said reaching her hand out athanasia was hesitant about making the deal but if she wants revenge she'll have to she wants them to feel what she felt, "you have my word princess"moira said athanasia  took her hand

"Well then princess athanasia you will wake up three weeks before your debunte you will wake up with a book by your side that will tell you all the information you need and abilities, remember your life will end at the day you died"

"Fine that's all I need anyways"

"well then princess athanasia i hope you do well by the power vested in me i will send you back the day before your downfall"

"Thank you moira I won't fail you" athanasia said she took at deep breath then a bright light blinded her

"Princess wake up" a sweet familiar voice called out, Athanasia opened her eyes seeing that she was back in her room in the ruby palace

"Lily is that you"

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