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Do you ever wonder what your past self would think if they could see where you're at now? Would they even believe the things you've experienced or would they try to change the course of action so the present your at would cease to be?

I often indulge myself with such thoughts and try to imagine if I knew 5 years ago what I know now, what would I do with such knowledge?

I glance down at the cup that's warming up my hands. The aroma fills my nose and the space around me, coffee on a rainy day has always been a comfort. Scratch that, coffee at any time of the day is a comfort. I glance up towards my left and watch as the rain begins to pour just a bit harder. Rain in the city was unfortunately unwelcome by most. The dark grey, gloomy sky set ease into my clouded mind. I watch on as groups of people hurry along, umbrellas of all sizes and colours come and go.

Peering at my watch it's almost a quarter to two in the afternoon. I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding and relax a bit into the chair and take another sip. He promised he'd be here, I remind myself. I can hear footsteps approaching however it's not who I'm expecting when I look up. I check my phone and read my message to him again, Two o'clock at Arenj Café, well clearly someone is punctual.

A lot of thoughts were running through my mind but to say I was anxious or nervous was false. I had not seen or spoken to him in roughly 17 years. Not that I cared or wanted to but it's almost laughable how when he came to find out my Mumma had passed he suddenly wanted to step up and be father of the year. I know the money she left for me was the underlying motive for him. I was always daddy's little girl, he was my hero who could save the world. Growing up taught me he was no hero but the villain disguised as such. I felt no molecule of love or affection for him. When he left, he left us broken without any way of getting up.

Mumma wasn't helpless she was a fighter. While the supposed love of her life wrecked her life and left her with nothing, she saw me and knew that in order to keep me safe she couldn't break down. She left me with her parents, my nana & gramps, they raised me till she was able to come back and take care of me to her best ability. Which she did, she was the hero in my story who showed me that sometimes the impossible is possible. She grew her own business, her love for photography and events made her the cities most sought-after event planner. She was able to grow her dream into a flourishing flower, one that she passed onto to me to manage after her passing.

The vibration of my phone snaps me out of my thoughts. It's an email in regards to an upcoming charity gala, it's been forwarded to me from my assistant needing the approval to go ahead with the preparations.
I send my reply,
     I will send approval once I return to the office, please have their requests in my desk upon my arrival. Chrissy make sure that Tiff and Matteo are available for these dates, they're our priority leads.

"Would you like a refill or something else from the menu?" The waiter asks. I offer a smile and respond with, "No thank you, could I get the bill? My guest won't be able to make it."

He offers a curt nod and walks off to bring back the bill. Handing back the check I get up to which he hands me an umbrella, I look at him in confusion. I've visited this café several times but never had such an encounter.

"One of our guests who left earlier said to give you this upon your departure." He smiles politely.

"Quite odd but I can't be mad at a strangers good deed for another. Besides it is pouring out there it was a kind gesture." I reply with a smile taking it from his hands.

"Kindness is hard to find nowadays. The gentlemen said one good deed can cause a butterfly effect, have a good rest of your day madam." He waved and walked off.

Catching a ButterflyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin