"Evan, you're an idiot." Brian quickly jumped in, but they made a weird eye contact. They know something you don't.

"I'm just curious how she thinks she did was all? I haven't gotten to witness a woman fight Kronos, so it just seemed fascinating."

Marcel rolled his eyes. "Yeah but only the big three get to watch."

Jon quickly jumped to their defense, "If they choose to, which we did not."

Tyler shook his head. "I don't want to go through that shit ever again."

Everyone looked to Evan, "Well I don't really have a choice if I'm the one who has to make all the transcripts of what happens during them." He said, with very little emotion.

"It was unpleasant. That's all I have left to say about it." You cross your hands in your lap, awaiting the next traumatic part of the day.

It was eerily silent. So of course, you had to go fuck it up.

"So what happened during yours then?" you look to Evan expectantly.

He tilted his head and smiled. Not exactly what I thought would happen, but okay.

"Why don't we chat about it in my office?"

Before you could even object you were sitting in front of him, but this was a different office. It had a bit of humanity to it. A computer, a laptop, and pictures on his desk that was scattered with papers.

"How many offices do you have?"

He shook his head laughing. "This is my working office, the other one is literally for the purpose of dealing with anything at home."

"We're not-" he cut you off.

"We not in the house no, we're still in Olympus but-" he was soon cut off too, but by a passersby.

"Do you want me to schedule your meetings for today now that you're back in?" A woman with very elfy ears poked her head in, looking to be a bit more seductive than professional, but to each their own.

Evan looked to her and furrowed his brow. "Thetis I'm kinda already in a meeting?" He gestured to you.

She grimaced when she looked at you, supposedly unaware that you could also be important.

"Uh, sure boss." She winked as she left.

You turned to him with a finger up and your mouth up ready to say something but he cut you down again.

"Please don't say anything. I'm sorry about her. Can we please focus on the task at hand?" He shook his head again.

"Which is?"

A small pity filled smile was on his face for no more than seconds.

"Well I was saying that with Olympus built like a city you're just in one of the many business buildings, but it doesn't matter." He put his elbows on the desk and faced you directly. "I have never seen anyone come out through the failsafe."

'The failsafe?' before you could say this out loud he jumped back in.

"Brian flying through that portal as an owl? No one has ever survived that long to do that. Usually we die, get our scars, then come back. You survived and went through the portal."

You shrugged. "I don't really know? Everything I did was instinct to just not die. Even with the-" you made a ripping motion with your hands. "I thought I was dead, but I wasn't."

"Gods are fucking durable," he chuckled. "As you've now seen."

You nod, slowly piecing it together. "So what does that mean?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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