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The next morning, they stand on a balcony that over looks the city.
"Let's run through the bases real quick. Who do we got?" Brian asks as he wraps an arm around Mia's waist.
"First we're going to need a chameleon. Someone who can blend in anywhere," Dom answers, already having someone in mind, causing Letty wonder if he is thinking about Han.
"What else?" Mia asks as she nods.
"A fast talker. Someone who can bullshit their way out of anything," Letty answers her, causing Brian to smile.
"I got that," Brian says with a nod.
"This guy is going to have a lot of surveillance. We're going to need someone who's good with circuits," Vince explains, causing Brian to smile and nod again.
"And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls," Mia adds in agreement. "We're going to need guys to punch through those walls." Dom and Letty share a look as the both think about Tego Leo and Rico Santos.
"What else?" Brian asks as he looks around at everyone.
"Utilities and weapons. Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone to back up every position," Dom answers him, causing Letty to think of Gisele which causes her to think about Alice.
"Yeah, what else do we need?" Vince asks since he can't think of anything else.
"Most importantly, we're going to need two precision drivers," Dom answers him, causing Brian to smile. "People who don't crack under pressure. People that never lose."
"You know we got that," Brian says, causing everyone to laugh.
"What makes you think he means you?" Letty asks with a sarcastic smile while Vince nods in agreement.
"I guess we'll just have to race to find out then," Brian challenges, causing Letty to nod in agreement. They go make the phone calls that they need to make while Vince goes out to find them a new hideout. Letty sighs as she looks at Alice's number before giving in and calling it.


Meanwhile, Alice pulls up outside a clinic in Mexico because she had been getting flashes of it and another female.
"Hello," Alice says as she answers her phone.
"Alik..." Letty starts but quickly catches herself. "Alice, it's uh... It's Letty. I was wondering if you wanted to join us to work a job."
"Letty, I uh..." Alice says before she gets a flash of the woman she has been seeing, except this time she is standing beside Letty. "I don't think it's a good idea right now. I still don't remember anything about y'all."
"Okay," Letty says with a defeated sigh as she gets ready to hang up the phone.
"Hey, uh.. I was told that I was in the wreck with another woman," Alice says wondering if maybe Letty would know who she is.
"Yeah, it was our friend Faye Johnson," Letty tells her though she is confused as to why Alice would want to know that.
"Thanks. Keep living your life to the fullest," Alice says as she quickly hangs up the phone not wanting to make it any harder on Letty. Alice looks at the CLINICA DE MEDICINA on the sign out front. Alice walks in as she remembers the place.

"I'm very sorry ma'am," A nurse says in Spanish as she talks to Alice. "There is just no record of Alice O'Conner or Faye Johnson."
"But I'm sure we were kept here!" Alice tells the nurse in Spanish as she grows frustrated.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you," The nurse tells her in Spanish before she starts walking away. "I wish I could help you." The doors beside Alice bust open as the EMS bring in a patient, causing Alice to remember when she was brought in.

"Help! Help!" Gisele Yashar, an associate of Braga, calls as she drags Faye in through the doors with Alice stumbling after them. "Help! I need a doctor please."
"What happened to them?" A doctor asks as he helps pick Faye up onto a hospital bed.
"A car accident," Gisele answers him as she catches Alice before they put her on a hospital bed. "I found them on the side of the road."
"Why did you save us?" Alice asks Gisele as the doctor, a nurse, and Gisele wheel her down the hall.
"Maybe you are the one saving me," Gisele answers her before the nurse tells her she has to stay back. The doctor shines a light in Alice's eyes as he asks her name in Spanish.
"Miss can you tell me your name?" The doctor asks Alice in English. The memory fades to black for a second before coming back.
"Her pulse is weak," The nurse says with a frown as she begins doing chest compressions. "We're losing her."

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