Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: The Heinous Hex (Part 1)

Just as the confrontation between SNT and this elite team was about to begin, both Void and SNT found themselves surrounded by D.R.A.C units who were attempting to corner them to a wall.

Both Void and SNT held hands and stood back-to-back, vowing to protect each other as the spider drones got closer.

"Dammit SNT, how many enemies have you met over the years?!!" Void shouted,

SNT turned her head towards the blue anti-virus and laughed nervously, "Just a few but we'll talk about that once we get out of here."

"Hello experiment... we meet again." Tarantula grinned

The purple-looking spider then raised his hand towards his new team that stood behind him, "So SNT... what do you think of my... Heinous Hex?!!"

Void quickly drew his sword and shouted, "Tarantula, what is the meaning of this?! Since when have you joined forces with Content Control?!"

The spider-bot couldn't help but snicker, "Content Control? Ha! Who said we were working for such incompetent fools like them?!!!"

Void then slowly lowered his sword and began to approach the group, "Wait a minute, wait just a minute... If none of you are working for Content Control, and this 8-legged arachnid has killed me twice, then why go after me and SNT?!!"

"Sorry, but that information is classified to that big head of yours!" Tarantula taunted.

"Why are you all doing this? What are you hoping to gain from this?!!" SNT yelled demanding answers.

The 8-legged drone laughed, "it's quite simple, we all share one simple desire."

But suddenly, everyone in the group took a deep breath and took up their fighting stances. They all shouted the same word in unison.

"REVENGE!!!" The group shouted in anger.

And with that, the battle began as almost all of the Heinous Hex charged towards the blue robot and the chimera, while Thunderwave took to the sky with Courtney and Saki hostage.

"SNT!!!! HELP!!!!" Catney cried out.

Without hesitation, SNT pulled out her wispon and opened fire on half the D.R.A.C units, while Void jumped in the air and slashed the other half of the spider drones to kingdom come.

With the mini drones out of the way, both Void and SNT stood side by side and aimed their weapons toward the group that was approaching them,

"Just don't complain after we kick your butt!" SNT sassed.

"Come at me then! I'm not afraid of you this time!!!" Void shouted.

Just then, SNT began to spin her tails as she took to the air. At the same time, Void jumped under her and grabbed onto her hand, as the pair began to approach the group.

SNT began to fly towards the 8-legged drone with her fist ready. She threw a swift punch at Tarantula's face. But the D.R.A.C unit felt no pain.

He then unleashed his claw and quickly grabbed the chimera. He then flipped her upside down and took out his other claw that was equipped with a syringe. He was preparing to infect SNT with a computer virus.

"AHHHHHHH!" SNT cried out,

But right before Tarantula can inject the chimera, Void quickly dashed towards the pair and stabbed the drone in the chest, releasing SNT from his grip.

As the chimera began to make her escape from the 8-legged drone, Void jumped onto one of the claws and began to slash Tarantula's face multiple times.

Realizing that the blue robot was standing on his claw, the purple robot stretched out its syringe and tried multiple times to stab the blue robot in hopes to infect him.

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