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I clamber on in the thick cloud aimlessly, vaguely waving my arms about ready to hit something, to attack anything that threatens me. Clutching my bag with a vice-like grip I cautiously looked around, my eyes darting all over the place as they scanned for dangers. I don’t know what’s so special about this place but I always find myself here, battling the cold, snowy weather. The chill set upon my lips instantly, the warmth in them escaping quickly in thick condensed strands in the chilled air.

My black clothes provide me no warmth at all, my boots crunching through the fresh white snow, leaving an endless trail of footprints behind me.

Anything in this white pit of unknown could cause me harm at any moment and I would not know what to do. A crack echoed in the distance and I froze, the hairs on my back standing up fiercely. I stopped immediately, looking around.

But as usual, no one was there; I was still alone as I always had been.

Shivering in the spot my eyes began to ache as I strained to look on at the snow. Reflecting on past experiences I held my head in my hands whilst I gave my eyes a rest from the stark white. White can be such a harsh colour if you look deep into it; It shows, emptiness, nothingness, loneliness. I gulped, realising that at this moment in time, I was the perfect embodiment of white mentally for I truly was alone in solitude in this… horror.


I looked around. The voice was barely a whisper, carried through the air by the cruel wind.

Ashleigh! Wake up!

I frowned, the sudden realisation of who it was dawning on me. The slight squeakiness the voice held due to their annoyance and the slight lisp when they pronounced my name… It all added up to the very person I liked the least on this world; the teenage girl who has ruined most things for me- my dear cousin Suzanne

All of a sudden I started to run. My legs started moving involuntarily, running faster and faster. The frustration of it all set in as the snow drifted all around me peacefully.  I was further than I ever was. I wanted to see what was at the end of this fog! You have no idea how the mystery of this place haunts me. There is a meaning to this place; I am so sure of it. I get headaches trying to figure out why I always end up here, night after endless night.

I have dreamed this dream too many nights to just fail when I’m at the finish line and that is exactly what will happen if Suzanne keeps pursuing me. I looked up, checking the sky. The fog was starting to clear. Through the wispy trails of the white fog, I started to see the shape of a building come to mind. Stopping, I look around puzzled. Why is the fog clearing? My breathing quickened before I gasped shockingly. It can’t possibly be…

This is a sign.

The fog never clears. It always clouds my vision, locking me into a dark, fuzzy world that I can’t escape from. This could mean one of two things; I’ve either come closer to the meaning of this dream or I’ve simply differed further away from it instead. I found myself looking straight ahead again, trying to see if I will finally know the cause of this dream.  

Or nightmare? Is it classified as a nightmare? Dropping to my knees I hugged myself trying to generate warmth and distract myself from the increasing number of questions whizzing around in my head. When I thought I was finally somewhat sane, I got up only to hear the footsteps of another. A sharp intake of breath had me rooted to the spot and I remained still waiting for something, anything to happen. Because something or someone was waiting for me; I just knew it.

Their aching presence, reluctant but steady with sincerity. It’s like, instinct.

My eyes strained to see what was in the distance. They widened as I saw a black blob like shape in the distance. As I looked harder, I saw something more than just a misshapen blob.

It was a silhouette.


Fear built up inside me again as Suzanne’s voice started to get louder and nearer. I’m nearing the end of my dream just when I’m actually getting somewhere.

I felt hot tears start to burn in my eyes, threatening to come out. Please don’t ruin this for me Suzanne, I pleaded to myself, watching the fog clear even more.

Acting purely on adrenaline, I launched into a sprint, harder and faster when all of a sudden time stopped. I froze, taking in my surroundings. It was like I was paralysed, my limbs lost all ability of movement as I just stared at the silhouette, a couple of metres away. The white blanket of snow crunchy underneath my feet and the pale sky blinded me. It looked like a winter wonderland. But it isn’t a winter wonderland.

It’s a nightmare.


This voice sounded familiar but it wasn’t Suzanne. I stepped forward, entranced by the soft, silky voice, pulling me forwards. It was relaxing. It reminded me of the old times, when I still had my sister to hold and my parents to look up to. My vision was starting to get clearer. I’m so close…

“W-Who are y-you?” I managed to stammer nervously, the silhouette still dark and mysterious, despite the fact that the fog had cleared.

A feminine chuckle rang through the silent air, shocking me for a moment. My hand reached forwards, desperate to uncover the veil that held this person so close, but so far away. Curiosity got the better of me as the urgency of finding the identity of the silhouette set in. But they’re so far away. Every time I get close, they glide away from me again, so angelic and delicate.

That’s when everything stopped. That feeling of reality swept over me again and I found myself clawing at the bitter cold snow. I found myself screaming as the silhouette started to disappear from my sight. Tears of anger fell down my icy cheeks, the warm, salty water warming me slightly.

“Who are you?” I heard myself mumble in defeat, my voice full of frustration and sadness as felt myself falling, falling back into the pit of darkness I slept in, back in the real world.

 I squealed as the cold water hit my skin. Suzanne stood above me, her pretty face looking grim and evil. She looked furious. My stupid cousin threw the bucket towards the floor and jumped off my bed. She has absolutely no respect for me, whatsoever. I have to live with it though, no matter how much I hate it and her. Besides, there’s nowhere else for me to go; trust me if there was, I wouldn’t be here.

“What the hell? It’s 7am! We are gonna be late!” she shrieked at me as I struggled to get used to the harsh daylight. Endless streams of bright sunlight drifted through the blinds in my room. I blinked, the bright lights having the same effect the pale sky had on me in my dream.

My dream. I was so close.

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