I would never like you

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P.s. Homophobic Ijekiel, Gay Lucas, Lesbian Athanasia, Bi Felix, Pan Claude and Jeanette.

Ship: Ijekiel x Lucas

Genre: Angst

Manhwa: Who made me a princess


As Lucas watched Ijekiel kiss Athanasia he felt something break within himself, he had loved the albino for sometime but could never say it aloud "Are you BLIND" Athanasia yelled at Ijekiel "No i love you" Athanasia groaned "First off I don't like you like that" She said before Ijekiel interrupted "Let me guess you like Lucas and Lucas like's you" Athanasia slapped him "Lucas never liked me, he liked you and I'm taken by the way" Ijekiel stopped her from walking away "Fine your taken but i would never like Lucas" Lucas almost cried "I know" he said shocking the other two participants in the room.

After that evening no one except for Athanasia and Jeanette has heard from the black haired magician in two months, Claude has always thought of Lucas as his second child so this worried him especially when Athanasia refused to answer any questions regarding Lucas. Ijekiel never regret his decision but without Lucas there with him he felt a bit lonely.

One day, Ijekiel was working on becoming the next duke, as usual, but today he heard a familiar voice 'Oh, looky here, we have the chimera 'brother' ' "Shut up Lucas" Ijekiel screamed but when he turned around nobody was there except for three kids, they ran and Ijekiel ran after them. The chase caught Claude, Athanasia, Felix, and Jeanette's attention so they followed

"What have told you two about running around, we need to get you three back to your universe" A very familiar voice said and this time Ijekiel knew it was real, so he sped up, sure he will never love Lucas the same way Lucas loves him but he needs him.... but nothing more. 'I don't even know what I need him for'

When he reached the clearing, he saw the person he was looking for but he looked different not a bad different... but not a good different either, the kids stood together holding hands, now everyone could see them clearly. The first one looked to be the oldest, looked exactly like Ijekiel except for the red eyes, this one was male, he seemed to be 11 or 12. The middle one, looked like a female version of Lucas just with gold eyes, she looked to be 8 or 9. The last one was male he had grey hair and gold eyes, he was the youngest looking to be 1 or 2

"Bye Bye" they said before Lucas started to use his mana to make them go beck to their universe, once it was completed, Lucas turned to leave but once he turned, he came face to face with a face he never wished to see again, "So, mind explaining" Ijekiel said, as he, Claude, Athanasia, Felix and Jeanette looked at him ".... It's gonna take a while"

They all sat down next to a huge tree "So a week after I left the palace to go to my tower those three kids appeared they started calling me 'Tama' which is a word where I'm from, it means 'Person who birthed me' in other words, mama" Athanasia perked up "Are these your kids from the future" Lucas sadly smiled "No... these kids are mine but from a different universe where Ijekiel returned my feelings and we married and had those kids" Athanasia still smiled "Well, it's never too late" Ijekiel glared at her and yelled "For the last fucking time I'm not gay and even if I was a fag, I would never like someone like him, I hate him"


When the slap came everyone even the person who delivered the slap was shocked by their actions. Felix Robane just slapped Ijekiel Alphues "I... apologize... but do not ever again in my presence glare and yell at her majesty and in my presence do not ever say something like that to Lucas... it may cost you you're life." When Felix finished, Lucas and Athanasia smiled, Jeanette gave a small smile but was mostly worried about Ijekiel who hasn't moved an inch since being slapped, and Claude who was smirking in the background thinking, 'That's my future wife'

"Lucas," Felix said, Lucas looked at him "You may continue, how did they come here" Lucas sighed before continuing "Their mana is very strong so they by accident got into my tower in that universe found a spell that would make them jump universes, like I do when I go to see *Cough* threaten *Cough* the world tree.So when I figured out they were from another universe I knew I had to bring them back to where they belong, so these last two months that is what I've been doing"

"Why the hell would I have kids with a fucking fag," Next thing Ijekiel saw was everyone glaring at him "What" Athanasia cleared her throat before speaking "The person I am dating is female,I am lesbian, My father is dating or rather engaged to Felix making him pan, Jeanette is also pan, Felix bi and Lucas gay, so not only are you insulting him, the most powerful magician and a noble. you are insulting the royal family and another noble" Ijekiel thought about it "What do you mean Lucas and Felix aren't nobles and Jeanette isn't royal"

"Technical," Lucas said "Her Mana is gone so her eyes aren't jeweled but Royal blood still runs in her veins, my parents, before they died and sent me away with my other siblings, were nobles, which I believe makes me a noble and Felix's father is a noble, they have the exact same feature, Red hair, grey eyes which makes Felix a noble" Ijekiel scoffed "you all disgust me"

Claude looked/Glared at Ijekiel "LEAVE." Ijekiel got up muttered something under his voice and left

Once 'Ijekiel' reached the place he was going his mask fell it wasn't Ijekiel but it wasn't anyone good either "Did you see my good job, Ijekiel, mhm, I ruined your chances to get with Lucas and now the royal family hates you"

All the actual Ijekiel could do was cry....

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