what if

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Evelynn- hey bekah imma go out can you watch hope and faith?

Rebekah- yeah you deserve to go out you've been coped up all month. go have fun.

Evelynn- thank you, babe. Kisses Rebekah and leaves*

Marcel- hey evelynn.

Evelynn- hey Marcel. I was about to get some beignets. Do you wanna come?

Marcel- no I'm just here to do this. Cut throat*

With the Mikaelson's

Klaus- where's evelynn. Hope and faith have been crying for 15 minutes.

Rebekah- I don't know she's been gone a while. I'll go find her.

Caroline- I already did she's downstairs.

Evelynn- Marcel just randomly came up to me and slit my throat but I had blood from the babies in me still.

Klaus- didn't Marcel say the babies can make hybrids maybe he's trying to test it.

Rebekah- well you have to try they can't grow up without a mother.

Evelynn- I guess we can try I don't think it will work though.

Caroline- pricks hopes finger*

Evelynn- drinks a little bit of the blood* it works.

Caroline- Elena's calling me I'll be back. Walks out while answering phone.

Evelynn- doesn't that mean I'm no longer a witch.

Rebekah- try and light a candle and we'll see.

Evelynn- lights candle with magic*

Klaus- how usually a witch can't use magic after they die.

Evelynn- wait then I'm a vampire, witch, and a werewolf.

Freya- a tribrid like Hope and faith.

Evelynn- wait, what if that didn't work. Who would have helped take care of the twins.

Rebekah- all of us, okay so no need to worry.


Thank you for reading.

Have a splendid day. Love y'all

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