Chapter two the playdate and Obi-Wan's visit

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So BlueStar and Will decide to let their kids have a playdate
Eli Anakin and Neve's age is 5 years old

(Neve's POV)
I held my mom's hand my brother hiding behind me as we arrived at her friend's house my ear twitched as mom knocked the door a man opened and let us in letting go of my mom's hand I started to look around my bother following me when a strange looking slug hopped over it chirped a greeting which we understood "Burpy where are you?" I looked at a boy around our age came in the living room "ohh you found him thanks" "no problems I'm Neve this is my brother Anakin" "Eli" "so what do you want to play?" "I was thinking hide and seek" "okay your it" I ran into the garden my brother hid somewhere in a flower bush I started hiding in a dense flower bush "ready or not here I come" he passed the bush I hid in

(Will's POV)
I watched them play hide and seek BlueStar got fruit drinks ready for them they laughed running over getting the fruit juice "what is Burpy Jade and Sapphire?" Neve asked curiously "when they reach high velocity they transform into creatures resembling myths" she 'oh'ed in response and finished her drink and continued to play with Eli and her brother I noticed BlueStar smile sadly "is something wrong?" "Optimus called me saying Megatron is on his way I have to leave in order to hide them both her and Anakin are special in their own way but their powers with cause them danger if used" I sighed and explained I would go back to Slugterra soon

(Eli's POV)
I helped Neve and Anakin with the model they started making when their mom called us "Neve Ani it's time to go say bye to Eli" "okay mom bye Eli see you soon" they left with the model dragon we made to show their mom I waved to them as they left "come on Eli I'll tell you more stories about Slugterra" I followed my dad to the living room so he can tell me more stories

(BlueStar's POV)
I walked to the house and told the twins to pack their things telling them we're moving to their grandparents house in the village Jade chirped at the door as Obi-Wan walked through the door "I believe I came at a bad time" "no you didn't I suppose you want to train Anakin" "I do my friend" Anakin came down followed by his sister "mum whose that that" "this is Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin you are going to be staying with him don't worry you have a ability that has awakened so your going to be trained be him me and your sister will be fine" Obi-Wan took his hand as he left with Anakin "okay Neve time to go" we drove over to my parents house who have moved out in order to find a better home here on earth

I feel so great at what I wrote though I should start the next chapter

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