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I am sitting at breakfast with father and my brothers after three weeks of living with them, now much more comfortable emoting, but still silent, when it is brought up.

"Damian." I look up from my food to show father I am listening, the others also obviously listening in. "We need to talk about schoo-"

I stand suddenly, my chair scraping the ground loudly, everyones eyes now on me, and walk away. Nope. No way. Never.


"Damian, we really-"

I slip under his arm and sprint away.



I jump up from the couch, stepping on Grayson if his screech is anything to go by, as I make my escape.



I jump out the window, run into the woods and climb up a tree.


"Damian." I look down at father, Grayson, Todd and Drake from my place up in the tree and scowl. "Every kid needs to go to schoo-" I huff and turn away, making father sigh.

"Dami." I look back down when Grayson speaks. "Can you at least get out of the tree?" I give him a hard look before turning it on father.

"Why does he have to go to school? He's smarter then most adults." Todd is once again my favourite.

"Yeah, but he needs to socialise with people his own age," Grayson replies.

"I guess..." I send him a betrayed look, which he only shrugs to. I turn my pleading eyes to my favourite Drake.

"You need to go to school Damian." Betrayal. I no longer have a favourite, they are all evil traitors!

"Are you seriously pouting?" Todd asks, incredulous. The 'not a pout' is immediately gone, replaced with a glare, as I ignore Graysons cooing.

"Can you at least try school? Who knows? You might like it," Drake tries. I scowl at him.

"You could make a friend!" I didn't have much luck with friends in my last life, let alone this one. My scowl grows.

"Master Damian." We all slowly turn to Pennyworth, standing a little away from us.



I pick at the uncomfortable uniform, glare alternating between Todd and his snickers and Grayson and his cooing. I can feel my eye twitching

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