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Sorry! Short chapter, but I really like the ending and have nothing to add to the rest of it.


It's been a few days and I am so bored! No one has said anything about my silence and only Grayson has said anything about Todd, but quickly changed the subject when he realised who he was talking about. Why don't they want me to know about or talk to him? I am going to find out. I pull on a black jacket, hood up and a black surgical mask I found a pack of when I was testing if I could sneak around the cave without being noticed. I could. Sneaking out is easy, I don't bother hiding from cameras since father and Grayson are out and by the time they get back for dinner it would be too late. I scale the rooftops until I reach what I think is supposed to be Red Hoods territory, find one you can see from all around, but not below and wait. Twenty minutes later it pays off when someone near silently lands behind me.

"Hey kid, what are you doing up here?" a mechanical voice asks.

"I wanted to meet my brother," I reply, turning to face him.

"Your brother?" I pull down my hood and mask.

"Yes, I am Damian Wayne." Damn that was dramatic, this is fun.

"You're-" Todd huffs, pulling off his helmet but leaving his domino mask in place. "Ok, fine. What do you want?" I blink at him. What do I want?

"I already said, I wanted to meet you," I repeat.

"That's all?" he asks, incredulous.

"I was curious why you are not at the manor, but-"

"No way, even if I wanted to go there, they don't want me there."

"Grayson mentioned you. It was not on purpose and when he noticed he looked sad. I think he misses you," I try.

"The old me mayb-" I cut him off.

"Are you angry at father? If he did something bad I would like to know."

"He let my murderer live," he growls.

"Yes? Does it not go against his code to kill and death is hardly an adequate punishment."

"You think he doesn't deserve to die?" he snarls.

"I do not think anyone deserves to die-"

"Definitley Bs ki-"

"He deserves worse."


"If he dies everything goes black, at least in my belief, and he gets away with it. If I were to choose I would work on Arkham so he can no longer escape, stuck in a small cold cell for the rest of his life. With fathers abilities he should be able to do it."

"Then why didn't he?"

"I have no clue. If I, a ten year old, no matter how well trained can think of it, he should have been able to. Maybe there is something I am unaware of that makes it impossible." Damn, this is the most I've ever talked in this life. "You should also ask him to make a section for you."

"for me?"

"I understand the necessity of killing people, but the prison would give apt punishment and those people mysteriously disappearing should at as a deterrent to other criminals and father could no longer complain." Todd stays quiet for a few seconds before chuckling.

"You know what? Sure. If batman can actually keep him there and gives me somewhere to stash who I want, no more killing."

"Excellent, dinner will be soon, you can come discuss it with him." I turn to leave.

"Wha- I didn't say I'd do it right now!" I turn back to him.

"If I am not back soon they will come looking for me and I am staying with you." He gapes for a second before his expression turns reluctantly impressed.

"Fine brat, I'm coming. Just need to stop off to get changed and get my bike."


Todd shuffles next to me as I knock on the front door.

"So they don't know you snuck out?" he asks. I shrug, not willing to talk here. Father opening the door cuts off any further questions. He looks relieved to see me, but a little stiff at the sight of Todd.

"Jason, you brought him back. Thank-" Todds snort cuts him off.

"More like he brought me back, we need to talk." Father just nods stepping back and letting us through.

"Dami!" I dodge Graysons hug attack almost sending him to the floor. "You're back!" Drake walks in next, stiffening a little as he spots Todd. "Jay! You brought him back?"

"No, the kid threatened me."

"Wha- how?"

"He said he'd stick to me til you lot came after him."

"He WHAT?!" he whirls on me. "Dami?! You can TALK?!"

"Yeah? He literally talked me into a new moral compass."

"What?" father demands.

"Yeah, you do two things for me and I'll never kill again."



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