Double kidnapped

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Hullo! This fic is back! Enjoy!


"Which flavour would you like Dami?" Grayson asks as we stand in the ice cream shop.

He's been trying to spend more time with me since he found out I've talked to Todd and Drake. I look over the options. Mint-choc-chip was my favourite in my last life, so I point to that.

"Good choice!" says the man who then orders himself a monstrosity.

How can anyone eat that much sugar, all those clashing flavours, without being sick? I give him his deserved look of disgust, but he just chuckles grabbing the cones and handing mine to me.

"Come on baby bat." He started calling me that after Drake convinced father to pull me out of school. "Let's go to the dog park!"

I perk up a little at that, I love dogs.


We're making our way to meet up with Pennyworth, ice cream finished, when it happens.

"Don't move!" thug 1 shouts, pointing a gun at us.

"Do what we say and no one gets hurt," thug 2 threatens like I couldn't take all of them with my eyes closed, but Grayson shoots me a warning look when I reach for one of my knives, so I to play along.

Acting is actually something I was pretty good at in my past life, time to put my skills to the test! I urge tears to fill my eyes and move to cling to Graysons leg, tearfully looking up at them.

"It's ok Dami, we'll be ok," Grayson says softly.

"Don't worry. Once your daddy pays us you'll be free to go."

I cling tighter to Grayson which hides my hands allowing me to press the emergency button on the watch father gave me, sending a signal to the bat computer. I let out an involuntary gasp as the back of my jacket is grabbed and I'm pulled away from Graysons side, only just keeping myself from fighting back.

"Let him go! You only need one of us," Grayson tries as my hands are secured behind my back, which they are terrible at, I could slip out of this in under ten seconds easily. I don't.

"You're right, we only need you for the money, so you better behave unless you want this one," he shakes me with the grip he has on my shoulder. "to get hurt."

Grayson clenches his teeth and nods. We let them take us away.


I sit in the corner of the warehouse, watching as they film Grayson for father. I grimace at the material in my mouth put there to 'keep me quiet' the texture making me want to gag. I carefully don't react as someone sneaks up behind me.

"Oh! What do we have here?" Harley Quin says behind me, to quiet for anyone else to hear. I turn to stare at her, dead pan. "You're adorable! I'ma take you to Ivy, she'll love you!"

I stare at her incredulously, but don't fight as she lift me into her arms. I was getting bored and like father warned me, we have to keep our skills to ourselves.


"Ivy! I've brought ya something!"

"Oh? Wha- Harley. Why do you have a child?" she demands once she spots me in Harleys arms, staring deadpan at her, gag still in my mouth and hands still tied behind my back.

"He's Brucies new kid! Isn't he adorable?" 'Ivy' sighs.

"You kidnapped Waynes kid?"

"Does it count if he was already kidnapped?"

I interrupt Ivys next sigh by spitting out my gag grimacing at the left over sensation. They stare at me as I try to use my teeth to get the taste off my tongue.

"You going to talk kid?" Ivy asks.

I blink up at her, shake my head and roll out of Harleys arms, landing on my feet but pretending to lose balance and land on my side. There, skills hidden. I look up at Harley who's staring down at me in confusion and gesture to my tied wrist with my chin.

"I like this kid!" she exclaims as she leans down to untie me. "Can we keep him?"



She sighs.


There's a crash as Batman and Red Hood fly in through the window. Ivy groans into her hands already done with today while Quinn cackles. I take another sip of my hot chocolate.

"Why is Damian Wayne here?" Batman growls as Red Hood moves to stand by my shoulder.

"I saved him from a kidnapping!" Quinn replies with a grin.

Batman turns to me and I nod. It is true... kinda? Technically. Even if she was basically kidnapping me herself.

"C'mon kid," Todd says behind me as father turns a narrowed eyed glare at Quinn.

I finish the last sip of my drink and stand, giving an annoyed hiss when he pulls me into his arms but staying still, not wanting anyone to know I'm familiar with the Red Hood. Then we're out the window.

"Come back any time kid!" I hear Quinn call before Todds grappling hook sends us flying away.


"Dami! Are you ok? You disappeared! I only took my eyes off of you for, like, a second! How the hell did Harley get you?!" I huff at Grayson, dodging when he tries to pull me into a hug.

"She apparently saved him," Todd replies.

"How'd she take him from inside the warehouse with no one noticing?" Drake asks from his seat in front of the bat computer.

"Why was she even in that warehouse in the first place?" Grayson asks.

Everyone turns to me. I shrug. How the hell am I supposed to know?

"She said she saw him through a window," father answers, appearing out of nowhere.

I nod. That makes sense.


The end of this is literally my thought proccess when I came back to this fic to finish writing it.

Me- How did no one notice Damian get taken? And why was she even in the warehouse in the first place? She could have seen him through a window? Meh. Better then nothing.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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