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They were now junior highschoolers but in separate schools. It was inevitable.

Mashiho and Yoshi were left at their old school along with their other friends.

Jihoon was far away from Junkyu now. It felt weird to be in a new environment. But it felt weirder and sad to be in this new place without Junkyu.

During the summer break, the two really made an effort to text each other everyday. It was like their phones were glued to their hands. Everytime their phones would ring, both were too eager to see if the notification had each others name on it.

Their own parents and siblings had a hard time making them put their phones down to concentrate on other things, such as eating and doing their house chores.

When classes first began they were able to keep up this feat of texting each other. But again, everyone is bound to become busy with their own lives and forget about the things that are not in plain sight.

Jihoon soon had new friends in his new school. He learned to adjust with the new setting of his school life. Still, he wished Junkyu was there with him.

A seminar event came to his school. Jihoon volunteered to join in facilitating the upcoming program. He was given the role of a register for the event because of him being a reliable and responsible looking person.

On the day of the seminar, Jihoon waited for people to arrive. The seminar was open for anyone that is willing to join. So, Jihoon invited his old schoolmates to come to his new school to join. He may have also non verbally implied it to his friends to hopefully invite Junkyu along with them. Jihoon was hoping for it.

Jihoon waited at a table placed for him. He was nervous. His heart was aching to see that one person here. He could only wait and hope.

Soon, a guy showed up. He was the first person or participant to arrive. He came to the table Jihoon was sitting behind and he gave Jihoon a big smile.

"Hello! I'm here for the seminar event. I was told to first proceed to this table to register my name in." he said smiling brightly.

Jihoon has never met this guy before but he looked kind of familiar to him.

"Hello! Welcome! Yes, just give me the exact amount of the register fee and sign your name right here." Jihoon gave him a professional smile.

He handed the guy a pen and a printed paper designed to list down the number of incoming participants.

The guy did as Jihoon said. He quickly finished writing his name and handed the list back to Jihoon.

"Thank you." he said politely and went to mingle with the facilitators of the event.

When he left, Jihoon read the guy's name.

"Choi Hyunsuk."

He looked at the guy and saw how he was easily socializing with his fellow facilitators. He doesn't know who this guy was. Again, Jihoon thought of how familiar the guy looked but he just shrugged it off and went back to minding his own business.

The next participants that came in were finally people he was familiar with. Jihoon couldn't help but stand up from the table to greet them.

"Jihoon!!" Jaehyuk greeted with all his strength.

Jaehyuk, Doyoung, Jeongwoo and Yedam were the familiar faces Jihoon saw were coming to greet him.

"You guys came!" Jihoon was excited to see them here.

"Of course! I heard this seminar is gonna be fun!" Yedam said.

"Yeah, I'm glad you guys came." Jihoon said with his tone dropping a bit.

Doyoung noticed and got close to him.

"Sorry, I couldn't get Junkyu to come. His parents wouldn't let him stay overnight." He whispered.

Jihoon nodded with a sad smile and accepted it. He had actually already expected this to happen. Jihoon had invited Junkyu himself through text but the latter shared that the possibility of his parents allowing him to come was low as it was a far place away from his own home.

Jihoon got them all registered and allowed them to explore around while they waited for the event to begin. He also soon saw his newfound friends in his new school that came to attend the event. They were Asahi and Yoonbin.

The event began soon. They had fun and learned new things. New memories were made and became engraved to their lives.

On the second day, which is also the last day, Jihoon was all alone strumming his guitar. He brought it along with him as he was trying to learn to become better in playing it. While playing the guitar, his mind drifted to a memory from when he was back at his old school.

He remembered the group activity back when they were sophomores. It was when they had to sing a song and play any type of instrument they could play. Jihoon was unfortunately in a group where no one knows how to play an instrument. He didn't know how to play one himself. But he wasn't the type to easily give up so he did his best to learn.

Jihoon had first thought of asking to learn from Junghwan but the latter told him it was better for Jihoon to learn from Junkyu because he said Junkyu was better in playing and teaching guitar.

Jihoon was reluctant but didn't want to sacrifice his grades for it. He remembers just how nervous he was when Junkyu was teaching him. There were moments when Junkyu needed to hold his hand to help him place his fingertips on the right strings to play the chords properly. They made some awkward eye contact and had to sit close to each other so Jihoon could learn and apply Junkyu's teachings. His hand sweated so much all while learning to play the guitar.

The memory of it made Jihoon smile while being able to play the guitar now. It was Junkyu that taught him and he was going to keep practicing to keep that part of Junkyu with him.

While Jihoon was playing, a voice suddenly came


Jihoon looked up to see Hyunsuk.

"Hello." Jihoon greeted back with a polite smile.

"I asked the other facilitators if I could borrow a guitar and they said I can borrow from you. But I guess you're still using it." Hyunsuk said.

"Oh, well, you can borrow it. I'm done using it for now." Jihoon offered with a smile.

Hyunsuk's eyes lit up and he happily accepted the guitar.

"I'll bring it back to you later." he said.

"Just don't put a scratch on it. My dad bought it for me." Jihoon said.

"Okay, thanks." Hyunsuk nodded as he accepted the guitar.

Besides the guitar being something Jihoon's dad bought for him. He wanted Hyunsuk to be careful with it as Junkyu's hands had also touched the guitar in the past. He didn't let many people borrow it but Hyunsuk looked like a person he can trust with it.

Jihoon decided to leave. He wanted to look for his friends. Before he could do so, he heard Hyunsuk play the guitar. Jihoon was fascinated by the music he made. The guy wasn't just strumming on the strings but he was plucking the strings like an expert.

Jihoon didn't say anything more to Hyunsuk and left.

The event ended and everyone was busy taking photos to keep and post on their social media. Jihoon saw Hyunsuk near his old schoolmates. He oddly seemed close to Doyoung. He even asked for a photo with him. Jihoon wanted to ask but didn't want to pry.

Little did he know, something else was going to begin.

I woke up. Got my phone. Opened wattpad and I see this fanfic ranking no.1 for Jikyu?!

ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ ♪ ♬ ヾ('︶'♡)ノ ♬ ♪

This is like my greatest achievement. I've never had a book ranking 1 in a tag.

Thank you for all your time and support to read this fanfic.


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