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Jihoon was part of those students in class that studies hard to remain at the top rankings. He was someone that would speak eloquently and carried confidence in the things he does.

So, whenever he loses his cool,calm and collected self it was a rare sight to see.

Haruto was amused by this. Jihoon blushing, getting flustered, becoming shy and stumbling on his words encouraged Haruto to tease Jihoon more.

Whenever Jihoon was walking along with his friends, Haruto would pass by purposely,  letting his shoulder hit against Jihoon and the two would make brief eye contact. This would get Jihoon blushing and becoming shy. Other times Haruto would say he didn't bring his textbook so he would purposely chose to ask Jihoon himself if they can share. Then Haruto would even ask to borrow Jihoon's phone so he can play the app games he had.

Most of the time Jihoon is not able to say no or reject him. All these little things only made his little crush on Haruto grow.

Jihoon had a thought that Junkyu still liked him. It honestly made him feel bad that he was openly showing to him that he likes someone else. Jihoon thought that this was good. Maybe it can help Junkyu finally move on, then maybe they can lose all the awkwardness and go back to being close friends again. That's what Jihoon had hoped for.

But fate had other things in mind.

Besides Mashiho being someone that fully understood Junkyu's feelings for Jihoon, there was also Junghwan. The two became close because of their same interest in learning to play a guitar. They learned from each other and became good friends.

Junghwan was one of those that shipped Jikyu and not Haruhoon. He could see that the feelings Junkyu had for Jihoon were true and unlike Haruto who was only amusing Jihoon's puppy love.

Junghwan decided to be cupid for the two.

One day the seating arrangements were changed to separate the talkative ones that often disturbed the class discussions. For some reason the universe decided to make Junkyu and Jihoon seatmates. When there was no teacher yet, Junghwan sat himself in between the two.

"Hi Junkyu! Hello Jihoon!" Junghwan greeted.

Before he came the two were busy doing separate things. Junkyu was writing a song, while Jihoon was doodling in his book. They stopped what they were doing and looked up to greet Junghwan.

"What are you doing here?" Jihoon asked him and went back to doodling.

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk." Junghwan smiled. He looked to Junkyu who was giving him a suspicious look.

"Hey, Jihoon. Do I have your number already?" Junghwan asked.

"I don't think so. Let me check." Jihoon got out his phone to check his contact list. "Sorry Junghwan I still don't have your number. Let's exchange numbers now!" he happily suggested as he gave him his phone to type in his number.

Junghwan got out his own phone too for Jihoon to add his number.

"What about you Junkyu? Do you have Jihoon's phone number?" Junghwan innocently asked.

Junkyu was speechless as he watched Junghwan carefully. There was a knowing smile on his face and it made Junkyu want to ask what he was up to.

"No, I don't." Junkyu replied.

"Oh, is that so? I think you also don't have my phone number. Let's all exchanged numbers then." Junghwan said taking Junkyu's phone and quickly typing in Jihoon's number.

"Okay let's do it." Jihoon said.

That afternoon, Junkyu finally got Jihoon's number. When he got home he was literally already overthinking whether he should or should not text Jihoon. He had been staring at his phone watching the blinker for such a long time.

Should he say hello? Hi? How are you? I'm sorry??? I am still in love with you!!!

Junkyu sighed frustrated. He ran a hand through his hair messing it up. He then opted to text Junghwan instead.



Junkyu decided to call him so he can truly hear how he was feeling right now.

"What was just that?" Junkyu asked him.

"What was what?" Junghwan asked on the other line.

"You, sitting with me and Jihoon. Getting his number and then giving me his number." Junkyu said.

"Oh, that. I got you his number for you to text him. You know, get closer to each other." Junghwan replied nonchalantly.

"Junghwan..." Junkyu exhaled a deep breath.

"Junkyu, I'm sorry if I was meddling with your lives but I just want to give you a chance to be able to fix your friendship with Jihoon. Or atleast get rid of the awkwardness between you two." Junghwan explained. "You should text him. Become closer to each other again. We can't really force him to like you but maybe you need that closure to be able to move on so you can stop getting hurt seeing him." he added.

"I know, I know but what am I suppose to send to him without sounding like I'm desperate for his attention." Junkyu bit on his nails.

"Well, maybe send him a group message. That's something that everyone is doing these days. Probably a wholesome quote you saw on the internet. Then the two of you can start a conversation and slowly become..." Junghwan trailed off and drew a heart shape in the air but Junkyu couldn't see it as they were in a phone call and not a face to face conversation.

"Best friends again!" Junkyu completed.

"I was going to say boyfriends but that works too." Junghwan shrugged.

"I don't think that's possible. Jihoon will never feel the same way with me." Junkyu sighed laying onto his bed.

Jihoon remembered getting Junkyu's number. So, when he received a text from him he replied not wanting to be rude or snobbish. They already barely talked like they used to at school so maybe there might be something if they talk to each other on the phone instead.

When they started texting, it was less awkward. And slowly it was like they were the best of friends again. Junkyu and Jihoon texted each other everyday when they arrive home from school. The two can't be told to put their phone down. It was like some kind of rush that both felt when they texted each other. Their conversations were never dull. They always seem to have a topic to talk about. It was great and it was good.

But all good things come to an end, even texting.

On a no school day, Junkyu and Jihoon were at their homes. The two were texting as usual. They were talking about the Christmas party that happened two days ago.

Junkyu asked Jihoon if he liked the gift he gave him.

Junkyu's gift to Jihoon was a small stuffed bear. It was cute and Jihoon actually did kept it. He liked it. Sadly, he didn't have a gift for Junkyu. He forgot. Jihoon instead got a gift for Haruto. He gave him a necklace, actually he didn't give it himself personally. He had to ask someone else to give it to Haruto because he was too shy and embarrassed.

Junkyu knows about this and he couldn't help but ask Jihoon about it.

"So, you gave Haruto a gift huh?" Junkyu asked with a smiley face. But it was a forced smiley face.

Jihoon stared at the message. It was happening again. There was nothing wrong or any harm from the message but Jihoon's head went to Junkyu still liking him. He panicked again. He was angry. He was overthinking. Jihoon simply didn't reply to Junkyu anymore.

Soon, their texting became less and less. It was there again, the walls, built up upon the two and hindered their souls from truly meeting each other.

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