She types and deletes. What is the use? He ditched her and she should own up to it. Pictures flooding on her WhatsApp. Unable to view profile picture she notices that she has been blocked. 

Her hands trembled with heartache. 


She looks at the pictures briefly before deleting them. She sighs thinking out loud with her mind. 

She is not going to be bitter about it. She did that with Lungisani she is not going to run after a grown ass man. At least she got to experience two minutes of happiness. She now ceases doing things her way and learn to do them in God's way instead. such a condition of submissiveness, maybe her life will change for the better. The pleasure of love lasts but a moment, that moment is the moment she will never forget. At least she got to live a soft life for two minutes. That is na achievement for her.

She dishes up for her and her mother. Imagine all the time she prepared, the energy she put in and the heart she poured out when cooking. Men will definitely amaze you. Such disappointment!

It's high time she looked for a job. At least she has a matric certificate, or maybe she could ask Onyiye to help her out. She doesn’t want to sound like a burden, right? She needs to do this on her own. Prove people wrong that she can achieve something out of her useless self. 

They eat in comfortable silence. Her phone had still not rung and she was expecting confirmation or some sort of explanation – but none. She sighs again! Maybe she is in that phase of doing a lot of sighs with no way forward. 

They are done eating – she is doing the dishes. Funny enough, her heart is not that broken. She was going in with the length of the arm in this relationship. She is not ready to love a man wholeheartedly, not what Lungisani put her through. Maybe just cleaning the kitchen will do and the remaining food will be stored in containers. 

She is laying on her back reading through the newsfeed. She continues to scroll through until she spotted a picture of Onyiye and her babies with the red man behind her. These two will defiantly make you download a dating app and get into the dating game right this minute. 

“This is the guy that humiliated my eyebrows. I will never heal shame!” 

Onyiye replies with a laughing emoji. Her response matters. Something to smile about – at least her night will not be sour as she thought. Tomorrow is another day. She will have to do something about her life before her baby comes into this world. 


She is on the phone with her friend. She doesn't like how her friend is. Honestly, she has been a bad friend lately. She was caught up in her own world forgetting that there is a soul that needs her. 

“I will see you this weekend. I am coming back.” Her being back with Mpilo, she will not judge. Maybe this is where her happiness is. Where her happiness lies.

“You are not joking with me, right?” The happiness in her voice immediately makes her emotional. 

“I promise my love. I am sorry for not seeing you these days, I have been going through a lot also. Will tell you all about it when I see you,”

“I will wait for you.” 

“Tell Mpilo I said thank you.” 

Now that she has all the time to think about her distance towards her friend, it breaks her heart that she was not there for her when she needed her the most. She should really see her this weekend. 

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