file 7.4

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Title: Captured in Her Eyes
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Summary: Byulyi can see someone's lifespan and how they're going to die except for hers. So when she meets Seokjin and saw that she'll die with him, she will do everything to keep him alive.


It has been 2 weeks ever since we started dating and one of the things that I learned about Jin is that he's clumsy as hell. I would just turn my attention somewhere else for a while then when I came back he's got numerous cuts or dirt on him. It's like I'm taking care of a child!

Whenever I ask him about it, he would just shrug and smile at me as if nothing happened. Saying that a person needed help and he can't find it in himself to ignore them. Does he think he's a superhero or something?

I ran a hand through my hair as I felt my frustration bubbling inside me again. This is making me anxious. I can't always be there for him to protect him or prevent any danger happening to him. The only good thing that I can get from this is that despite his clumsiness, his lifespan doesn't seem to fluctuate as frequently as before. However, the difference between the numbers is still unpredictable.

As of now my theory is that his lifespan may not be affected by outside forces but rather due to his clumsiness. I know it sound silly but I theorize this because most of the time that something happens to him due to his clumsiness, his lifespan is affected. But it's still not a solid theory since there are still times that even if he does absolutely nothing, his numbers change.

Gripping my bag tighter to myself, I glanced towards the school gates to see any sign of my clumsy lifeline. I took it to myself to visit him everyday after school so that I have a reason to check for any casualties that may have happened. It took a lot of convincing since he was quite hesitant as he thinks that was supposed to be his job considering he's my boyfriend.

Really, I didn't give much thought into it since first, I believe in gender equality. I don't hold him to any stereotypical shits in dating. Second, his school is surprisingly not far from mine so it wasn't really a hassle. Plus, I go to an all girls school. It would be much harder for him to visit me. And lastly, this is all just for the sake of monitoring his lifespan. There's no feelings involved for me here.


Turning to the call, I saw Jin jogging up to me and my eyes widen in shock as I saw him suddenly fall down. Seriously, what do I do with this guy?

I rushed to his side to help him. "Y-yah, are you okay?"

Like usual, he gave me his cheeky grin while rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm fine. Don't worry too much."

"Ah, you always say that." My eyes are still scanning him if he was hurt anywhere until I caught sight of one of his shoe laces broken. Hmmmm that's usually an omen for bad luck. I assisted him in standing up, handing the stuff he dropped.

I looked back at him again to check his lifespan but he suddenly avoids my gaze. With a blush adorning his cheeks, he muttered something that I really couldn't comprehend.


I moved to his line of vision and the numbers rolled on top of his head. I glanced at him slightly, "What? I didn't quite catch what you said."


I shrugged not wanting to press any further and smiled when I finally saw his lifespan.

5272 days.

Okay, it's a lot more than yesterday. We're back to having his numbers exceed the 5k mark. Yesterday, it was 209 days and that almost gave me a heart attack. Today seems to be a good day for him. I hope it continues.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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