vacation day pt.2

280 6 0

owow: new zealaaaaaaand !!!

thomasjyo: it's jeju

owow: oh really?

sharon: looks like hawai tho

tigerchaeng: did someone say hawai? 🤩

sanake: wah bye guys i'm going to hunt jeju hallabong

tzuyoda: and what is that

sanake: how lame tsk it's like a tangerine but make it big

tzuyoda: oh okay

jypiece: anyone? have u seen nayeon?

thomasjyo: sadly no

dubs: she's outside

tigerchaeng: this place is hella crazy

sharon: language

tigerchaeng: ok 😞

tzuyoda: what do we eat tonight?

owow: jok- naur um kimchi jjigae

sanake: i want to eat u

tzuyoda: ew no

dubs: samgyetang !!! (chicken soup)

owow: what about bibimbap ah i'm craving for it

dubs: right it's been a while since we had some

tigerchaeng: give me some ramen

sharon: well, i want naengmyeon (cold noodle)

bunnyeon: me too !! i want naengmyeon

jypiece: where have you been?

bunnyeon: outside i mean beach

jypiece: alone?!

bunnyeon: naur i was with momo earlier

jypiece: that bitch

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