Stone Cold Cutie

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"It's officially the weekend!" Nora throws her arms up and spins, obviously thrilled.

I'm pretty sure every high school student, supernatural or not, loves the weekend. Of course I never really had much to do at home...

"What do you guys do around here on the weekend?" I ask, glancing at all the students heading towards the dining hall.

"I'll just have to show you." She grins, cheeks pink and fangs white.

I give a shaky smile back, heart jumping to my throat. If Nora was a siren I would be more worried, but she had her own kind of gravitational pull. She's fun, feisty, and had no problem sticking up for herself or others.

We get in line for food, Nora talking to a friend behind us. I slowly fill my tray with random things, trying to ignore the obvious stares that've been following me around since Power & Precision. The word had spread and everywhere I went I heard 'Medusa' from every student's lips.

"Hey," I get Nora's attention. "I think I'm going to go eat somewhere else..." My eyes drift around the room then back to her.

After a moment Nora understands and frowns a bit. "I promise it won't always be like this. Do you want company?"

Her big blue eyes looked at me hopefully. I was going to say I could use some time to myself, but knowing it would just be her....

"Sure, that'll be nice," I smile.

Nora led me to a empty corridor where we sat on the edge of a large cathedral window. It looked out away from the school where the ground dropped down and the forest was turning into a dark abyss.

She was telling me about the different groups of students.

"There's a lot of us that come from bloodlines that mixed with humans. My grandpa was human, then a few way down before him," she sips her blood bag. "But some of these kids are pure-bloods. They've never had a human in their bloodline, ever."

I frown at my mashed potatoes. Obviously I wasn't a pure-blood. I barely had any powers at all.

"I found out I was adopted right before my parents kicked me out." My quiet words make Nora's expression turn sympathetic. "They couldn't take my weirdness anymore," I let out a sad laugh.

Nora scoots closer, putting a hand on my forearm in comfort. "They didn't know they had an incredible, legendary daughter. I'm sure they regretted it as soon as you were gone."

Her touch is slightly cold, then her thumb moves back and forth over my skin.

"What kind of powers do you have?" I ask, trying to distract myself from the heat gathering in my chest.

Nora smiles shyly, eyes turning down as she says, "Just some really strong muscles and I can move pretty fast."

"How fast?"

Nora pauses then in a flash something touches my lips. I blink and she sits back, biting her lip.

Did she just kiss me?

"Uh.." I slowly take a breath.

"I'm sorry," Nora laughs, but she pulls away, a hand moving to her hair.

"No, it's— I've just.." I sigh, pushing my food away and rubbing my warm cheeks. My heart needed to calm down so I could speak properly.

I explain, "I've never been in a relationship. With anyone."

Nora looks up, listening.

"The last person who had a crush on me ran away screaming because he saw Tink in my jacket." I had liked the boy too, but that didn't matter after he ran around telling everyone I tried to get a snake to bite him.

The vampire in front of me smiles softly, blue eyes practically glowing in the dark.

"I probably should have asked if you're even interested in girls."

Honestly? I'd never put any thought into it, but she was sitting here, moon giving her blonde hair a gentle glow, her blue eyes twinkling, and I was more than okay with the fact that she kissed me.


"What?" Nora asks.

"I'm interested in a girl," I clarify. Having said so made me realize I was indeed interested in the beautiful vampire next to me.

Nora doesn't speak for a moment, blood tinged lips parted. I could see the tips of her fangs. Finally she grins, looking down at her hands in her lap.

Party. Apparently supernatural kids have parties on the weekends. Either the professors don't know about it, or they pretend not to.

For the first time in I-don't-know-how-long, I was getting dressed up, actually putting effort into my outfit. It was a simple black dress with cap sleeves and white collar. I call it my 'Wednesday Addams' dress.

While packing what I could when I was leaving my house, I'd only packed simple make up products like eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. I'd never used much makeup before anyway.

I even took the liberty of showering which helped me relax before going into a swarm of crazy kids. Would there be alcohol? I didn't drink, but how would they get alcohol in here?

The distance from the showers to my room wasn't far, but I walked as fast as I could without dropping my towel.

I peek around a corner, only seeing a couple students walking the other way. Just as I grabbed my door handle I hear,

"Get lost?"

Standing at the door next to mine was a gargoyle boy that towered over me. Like most gargoyles, he had muscle that he was accentuating with a tight t-shirt and well-fitting jeans. Each wrist had a leather cuff like he had once been chained up and managed to get away.

"No," I simply answer, meeting his eyes

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"No," I simply answer, meeting his eyes. "This is my room."

He scans me up and down, eyes narrowing. I was really starting to hate how judgmental these people were.

With a disgusted scoff I enter my room and slam the door behind me. What a way to meet a neighbor: soaking wet with only a towel on.

I forgot about the guy as I got ready, mostly thinking about when Nora was going to show up at my door. In a castle full of teenage delinquents it's kind of a no-brainer that the parties take place in the dungeon.

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