Finding you Kyojirou

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Kyojuro Is with Karrigan they are on their way to meet up with his little brother. When Karrigan's head shot up and she ran into the woods and he ran after her. When hey finally got to her he found Karrigan holding a baby and a demon shaking in fear in a tree far from Karrigan.

Karrigan. Kyo look what i found that demon trying to eat. A baby look at how cute she is.

Kyojuro took the baby form her and held the baby to his chest while Karrigan killed the demon. Karrigan checked the baby to she if she was okay.

Karrigan. She seems very hungry.

Kyojuro. Lets get to my place then we can feed her.

After some time they arrived and where able to get the baby girl some food. Shinjrou was watching his son and the girl who he had meet when she was little care for a baby, . He knew he wasn't the best father but he does love his sons.

Karrigan. Shinjrou can you hold her for bit i need to get Kyo away from the food before its done.

He took the baby and held her, he hasn't held a baby since the day Senjuro was born. he could hear his son ask Karrigan if he'd be a good father.

Kyojrou. Father I an going to raise the baby.

Karrigan. Now you need to agree on a name.

Senjuro. What about Y/n. I saw it in a book i was reading and the name stuck with me.

Karrigan. I love that.

Kyojrou. AS DO I!

Karrigan. Y/n Ruka  Rengoku. It has a nice ring to it.

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