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You somehow got back to your own bedroom after running off the stage. "How in the world?" You looked at your clock and strangely enough only a minute had passed. "What is wrong with me!" You exclaimed in your pillow.

You couldn't stand Pavi the female face thing you could deal with but his voice.... 'is starting to grow on me' you caught yourself "god no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

But just the thought of hugging him never left well that and you LOVED the pattern of his shirt. "That head bob was so cute." "(Y,N)!" Your head whipped to face your closet and Amber was rushing to grab your hand.

"I don't care what emotional shit is going on with you, Graverobber, and my brother but you are NOT missing Mag." Amber was not taking no for an answer so you let her drag you back.

Amber dragged you and placed you next to Rotti so you could see well but deep down that was the last place you wanted to be, not just because of Mag but also because of HIM.

Mags beautiful soon singing filled your ears apparently you had blanked out of Amber's performance. The horror struck you when she sang about rather being blind and fell to her death.

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