boy 10

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Dear Riley
I'm writing this because I hate how we ended things. I hate how you easily got over me. It took you 3 days to get over 3 years and that used to get me stressed out. I hate how you made me feel as if I was a princess but eventually reality came crashing down, and I found out I was only a maid. I know we eventually became friends and all but I hate how you somewhat led me on. I hate your cheesy lines now and every time I hear that 1 song the memories come flooding back. I used to think dating was important and that it was something you needed but now I know it's just a fantasy we hope to fulfill. I can't help but wonder if you were my dream and I was only into the thought of us or at least what it used to be. I remember the date and some days I wonder why I wasn't hurt by it and I'm sorry Michael used to sometimes get in our way. I know what we had wasn't love, not even anything close to it. I sometimes wonder if those 3 years were a waste. Maybe if we didn't try our long distance relationship I wouldn't be thinking these things. But I can't seem to help it anyways. I still have the necklace, somedays I even want to wear it but then I have to stop myself. I'm sorry for how rude I was about you and Emily, it was honestly all jealousy, hurt, sadness, and anger.

Sincerely Kylierella

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