Jade Mountain Fun (Multiple Ships) (Smut) (Truth or Dare)

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A/N If you know anything about me then you'll know i love truth or dare, so i had to include a chapter like this also sorry i could write faster but it's hard to find time to write in between everything. Also assume Peril's scales don't burn people.

Qibli's Pov:

Moon poked her head into my room. "Meet me in the mess hall in two hours for truth or dare." she said, and then left.


Two Hours Later

I walked into the mess hall and found a bunch of other dragons there. I sat down next to Moon and let her rest her head on my shoulder.

"Truth or dare Turtle?" Moon asked.

"Truth." Turtle said nervously.

"Who is the most attractive dragon in your opinion?" Moon asked smugly, as if she knew the answer and just wanted to tease Turtle about it.

"Kinkajou." Turtle said as quietly as he could.

"How interesting." Kinkajou said as she appeared behind him.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE!?!?" Turtle asked, shocked.

"Ever since you sat down there. Moon was thinking about that question for the entire day." Kinkajou said. "And wanted me to surprise you." Kinkajou said seductively as she sat down on Turtles lap. 

Turtle blushed furiously and attempted to talk but failed. Kinkajou winked at Moon and kissed Turtle but quickly pulled away. "You'll have to wait a bit if you want some more of that." Kinkajou giggled.

"Truth or dare Blue?" Turtle asked .

"Truth" Blue said.

"Hypothetically if Cricket was hiding somewhere here, about to tackle you, what would you say and/or do." Turtle asked

"I would be shocked to say the least." Blue said, worried.

Cricket flew down from above him, tackled him and kissed him. "Did you miss me?" Cricket asked.

"Of course i did!" Blue exclaimed. "Truth or dare Sundew?"

"Truth." Sundew said.

"How many times have you called Willow 'Light of my Life' while no one but you and her were there and what context were those words used in?" Blue asked.

"Twice, and they were both used while we were having sex." Sundew whispered as quietly as she could.

Everyone laughed. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!" Sunder yelled, about to lash out at everyone until Willow pulled her back.

"Calm down Sundew, it's not worth getting angry over." Willow said soothingly.

"Fine." Sundew said, annoyed.

Moon's Pov:

"Truth or dare Moon?" Sundew asked me.

"Dare." I said confidently.

Sundew walked over to me and dragged me over to where she was sitting "I dare you to give Qibli a lap dance but pretend like your dare was for you to jump into the lake." Sundew whispered.

I jumped into the lake and Qibli helped me get out, then shot a cold glance at Sundew and helped me dry off.

Qibli's Pov:

Moon and I walked back to our spots and Moon sat down on my lap. "Moon why are you sitting on my lap?" I asked

"Do you want me to get off?" Moon asked as if she already knew the answer and was trying to embarrass me.

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