Please Don't Bite Me

Start from the beginning


Everyone falls silent as Professor Elide enters the room. It was quite obvious he was a gargoyle from his looks. I didn't doubt he could probably chuck a school bus across a football field.

His blonde hair was brushed back from his square face, a pair of ice blue eyes deep set under dark eyebrows. He was the most attractive teacher I've ever had.


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"Today-." Professor Elide stops, eyes landing on me.

My face turns red.

"Ah, right. New girl." He sighs, walking around to stand in front of my table. My hands start to sweat.

"What are you?" Professor Elide asks, leaning against the front of his desk and crossing his arms.

Again, I wanted to say, "please don't bite me." But I refrained simply because my mouth went dry.

"Well?" His deep voice turns hard.

"I'm-uh..." I swallow and glance around. Other than the guy sitting next to me with his head resting on his hand, the whole class was waiting for me to answer. "I'm a descendent of Medusa."

This silence was much heavier than when Professor Elide walked into the room. His eyes narrowed at me, then moved down my neck to where Tink was slithering down to the table.

"Interesting," he mutters. "What can you do?"

"Nothing..." Students laugh at my answer.

"Nothing at all?" Elide asks, face stone. It made me wonder if he knew how to smile.

"Um, reptiles find me a lot for some sort of help." I pick at my fingernails in my lap.

"Can you talk to them? Hear them?"

I shake my head and Elide stares a moment before letting out a scoff and moving away to face the rest of the class. My body sags as he leaves.

"Power is not power unless it is precise. Uncontrolled power is simply a disaster waiting to happen." The professor walks over to another table of students. "Fire."

The fairy in front of him with ginger hair lifts her hand, a ball of fire appearing over her palm.

"Control it. Keep it at your fingers," Elide instructs, watching intently.

The girl focuses, closes her hand, then opens it again, flames now at each fingertip. After a moment they flicker and her hold hand is on fire.

My eyes go wide but it doesn't seem to affect her at all.

"Practice," Elide walks away from the disappointed girl. "Is all it takes to reach your full potential."

As he walks around the room talking and testing the abilities of students, I stare at my hands. What could I possibly do? Madam Celeste seemed to believe I could develop abilities beyond reptiles simply being drawn to me. But how do you practice what you don't know how to do?

After about an hour Professor Elide dismisses the class and everyone stands to leave, some talking to him on the way out. I wait off to the side, not in the mood to try and push my way through them all.

"What's your name?" He asks me when I'm about to slip through the doorway.

I step back to face him. "Katie."

"Your real name."

Realizing what he meant, I reply, "I don't have one yet."

"Descendant of Medusa..." he says under his breath, scanning me up and down. My cheeks burn. "I'm sure Celeste will have one for you soon."

I nod, ready to bolt, but professor Elide tilts his chin up.

"I suggest extra lessons to learn more about your abilities. Come here Monday afternoon and I'll see what I can do."

With that, he turns away to go back to his desk. I leave the classroom with my brows furrowed.

"Here only a day and already trying to snake her way into Elide's pants." A snide voice snickers to my left.

My cheeks burn as Asena, the blue haired fairy, sends me grin. What a bitch.

"If you ever get the chance to bite her," I tell Tink. "Do it."

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