20. love poems and patrol with my boyfriend.

Start from the beginning

Love it...... Not as much as you ....... But close.

Petey pie
Your such a sap lol

Yeah but I'm your sap love;)

Petey pie
You really are to much sometimes
I have to go to next period now love.
Text you later xx

I had walked into my next class while talking to my boyfriend and put my phone away only to find that I had somehow managed to seat myself in flashes seat. Like how the actual hell j never sit front row centre in any class!?!

I have questions
Oh fantastic here he comes

"Parker, do tell why you are you in my seat?" Sneered flash

"You know that's a good question flash. I have a question tho."


"Do you like Spiderman?" I ask genuinely curious if he just generally hates me.

Flash looks at me like I am an absolute idiot'.

"Are you stupid parker? Get out of my seat. Everyone likes Spiderman.

I simply stay sat in the seat staring at him.

"I will Flash, I just have one more question. Do you really hate me?"

"Answer me this parker why shouldn't I pick you up and throw you out of my seat?"flash asks tapping his foot on the ground in irritation.

"Well you simply wouldn't be able to. Now answer my question flash."

Flash looked around the room no one else was here yet we had the classroom to ourselves. Currently everyone was on a 20 minute break to get food and go to the loo and socialise but I wasn't hungry a s could wait another hour for lunch also i was fine being early after all more often than not in late anyway. TR he only thing is why is good lash looking around the room?

Flash heaved a big sigh and sat next to me clearly this was big.

"You think it so easy parker. You have a loving aunt and you're smart. You have a probably amazing, strong, loving relationship with your boyfriend, awesome friends that actually give a shit about if your alright. But what about me?

My father only loves me when I'm top of the class Nd he hits me when ever I get something wrong. He's smart about it tho. I never have bruises on my face only on my torso. That's why I'm always wearing long sleeves or a hoodie. I have no friends only spies. They spy on me and report back to my dad what I do wrong everyday of my life.

But sometimes dad gets drunk of his face and gives me bruises and possibly even internal bleeding but it isn't enough, no he has to stave me too.

I'm never top of the class it's always you parker ever since freshmen year you were always top of every class even English and everyone hears you complain that you hate English. I go home everyday just to be beat black and blue.

Eventually I decided that if I had to be in this much pain everyday ........ Than so do you. I don't hate you parker. I hate my father and needed something to take my anger I felt towards him into someone.

The worst bit is that my little sister never does anything wrong. She's the perfect golden child. And me? Well in just the disappointment that deserves nothing"

Flash has tears brimming in his eyes now.

"That's why I changed my name you know, when I started to bully you. Eugene was weak, he gets beaten up by the man whom is supposed to love him. But Flash is strong, he stands up for himself even if he is a bit of a prick."

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