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Marc's POV

Nathaniel,Zoé,Sabrina,Mylene,and I couldn't fit in the Lamborghini.All of us started following the car to where ever it went.Alix drove in circles for hours until she found Alya's house.She parked.We were all out of breath after running for hours.As soon as we stopped running,a random car flew into the air.The car landed on Mylene."Mylene!"I screamed.Before any of us could say anything else the akumas came back.In flash,Mylene,the sweet innocent girl transformed into a super villian.Horrificator grabbed Max and Marvoc and they got akumatized into the Gamer and Robustus.Nathaniel grabbed my hand and we all went into to Alya's house.It was late,probably midnight.I fell asleep on Alya's couch and so did Nathaniel.I heard Alya and Alix leave the house but I didn't why.They were acting a bit suspicious but nothing to serious.I just thought nothing of of it and quickly fell asleep.

Alix's POV

"I'm going to save my best friend!"Alya whispered to me.I looked at her."What are you talking about?You can't just take off in the middle of the night!"I yelled."Shhh"Alya said.I rolled my eyes."Why can't you just Marinette be akumatized?"I asked.Alya started to angry."She's my best friend. I have to save her.I can't imagine if something bad happens to her!"Alya said."Listen,Alya we all have been akumatized and I know it's scary to think that your best friend is a villian working for someone who wants to rule the world but it's true.We need to wait for the professionals to handle this."I Said.All of a sudden,a man walked in through the door.He was wearing a mask that covered his face."You guys are coming with me!"The guy said.He grabbed me and Alya.

Adrein's POV

"Plagg,please wake up."I said to plagg while I was stretching."I think I'm feeling a little better.I guess you can transform."Plagg said."Finally!Plagg Claws Out!"I said.I transformed into Cat Noir.I got my phone and played Für Elise.Then I jumped, through the window.That's when I saw someone so many akumatized villians.Queen Bee got her miraculous back,Volpina was running around making illusions,
there were people running around looking like Reflecta,Dark Cupid was bringing back dinosaurs from years ago,and Mr Pigeon was back."Ugh!Really?"I said.I got a Power up Camembert and ate it."Power up!"I yelled.I transformed into a cosmic hero.I flew into the air to hide from all the akumatized victims.

Alix's POV

We were running with the guy who just kidnapped us.I wasn't sure if he was an akumatized villian so I tried to keep my mouth shut.

Alya's POV

Alix won't keep her mouth shut!She knows this could possibly be an akumatized but keeps on arguing with him.Even roasted him a couple of times.

Kidnapper:Why are you so short?Are you like 3'0.

Alix:Haha Can I ask you a question?Do all tall people have there fly down.

Kidnapper:You so ugly!

Alix:You're the person who is wearing a mask!What don't

"Oh yeah!"He said.He grabbed his mask and took it off."Ugh!What happened?"Alix said."Master Su-han?"I said."Why are you kidnapping us!" "I need both of you to stop Marinette.We have to follow those akumas.They are will lead us to where Monarch is."Said Master Su Han."Why are you wearing a mask?"I asked.Alix suddenly smiled."Oh honey mama's got a lot of guesses."Alix said.Master Su-Han got angry but tried to keep it together."Sorry about my friend.She's basically a blank page in the emotion department."I said.Alix stick her tongue at me."How did Marinette get akumatized?"I asked."It's my fault.I hurt her feelings.She was the Guardian of the miraculous and I'm the celestial guardian.She is actually superior.My job is only to guide her not to give up on her.Master Fu trained her well and I'm so proud of him.He was an even better guardian then me and he didn't even follow any of the rules!How is that possible?"Master Su- Han questioned."Easy!Your rules are un needed."Alix said.Master Su Han couldn't tame is anger."You mean millions of years of writing and sacrificing is stupid?!"Master exclaimed."Yeah,Look if the 2 best guardians didn't follow any of your rules then I think It would be best to just find the book of rules and rewrite the whole thing."Alix Suggested."I hate to agree with her but she's right.If those rules only create war and hatred why would they be important?They don't represent what miraculous stands for."I replied."You girls are smart and I'm glad I picked you both for this mission." Said Master Su-han.Master Su Han put his mask back on and pulled something out of his pocket.The were glowing Ladybug earrings."Oh my gosh!"I yelled."You will use these for the great or good or may I grant you this miraculous?"He asked."Yes!OMG!Yes!"I said."Wait don't I get a miraculous considering you literally just told me Marinette is Ladybug."Alix asked Su-han."Fine,if you can find a miraculous and the spell book you can keep the miraculous."Master Su-han said.I put earrings on and Tikki floated out."Tikki Spot On."I said.I transformed into Scarbella.My suit changed a little bit.My hair was red and my spots were glowing white."As swift as lightning and as grand it's Scarbella!"I yelled."Hurry ladies follow those akumas!"I said.We all ran.

The Book of EmotionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz