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"Ok and cut!" Jonas shouts from the back. Bailey stays layed on the bed she was on pulling out her phone. She had received a message from her father. rolling her eyes she put her phone back in her pocket. She couldn't deal with his shit today.

"Yo bails me, Laci, and Maddie are getting food you coming?" Madelyn says walking over.

Bailey smiles and nods "Yup." She gets up following Mads out of the studio to the car.

"Hey girl! how was your day." Maddie asks looking to the back.

"Busy." Bailey replies opening her phone to more message's. She frowns and closes her phone again.

Madelyn notices her face and grabs her phone from her. she mouths the words "your dad?" Bailey nods smiling sadly. Madelyn opens the phone to look at the new notifications.

Father ulrich                                                                                                                                                                            hey sweetie im in a little trouble again


come on i swear its the last time

Madelyn groans and gives the phone back to Bailey. "ignore him." 

"who?" Laci asks turning around.

"Just some hater." Madelyn smiles covering for Bailey. she knew she hated people knowing about her Dad. Only her and Bailey's ex knew about her asshole of a father.

Bailey reaches forward to turn the music up "I love this song!" she squeals singing along to the lyrics.


Drew was sat in Nick's trailer along with Rudy and JD. They were playing a game of Mario cart. "My guy's head has gone swoosh." Rudy laughs at Drew.

"Do we blame him Bailey's amazing." JD says smiling.

"Guys I'm not like in love with her I just find her attractive ok." Drew says glaring at Rudy.

"Sure you are big guy. You totally wanted to kiss her last night." Nick chuckles slapping his back.

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