Chapter 6: the battle begins

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Aiden's POV:
After finding me a SHIELD uniform, Clint and I walked to the entrance of where the jets are kept. That's where we decided to meet up, Tony and Stevie were already there, Emma and Natasha with them. We were all dressed for the battle, Stevie in his uniform, Clint had his bow and arrows, Natasha in her catsuit, Emma and I each had a special shield uniform and Tony in the Ironman suit "you guys go get a jet, I'll fly in my suit" said Tony right before we entered the room.

The second we entered the room Tony took off flying and left us there. After that happened, the five of us left walked onto a jet in a triangle formation, Stevie being the point of the triangle, Natasha then Emma walking on his left and Clint then me on his right. When we stepped on the jet there was some agent in it "hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here" he said "son, just don't" was Stevie's response to that and soon enough we were taking off.

We flew for a while before I saw New York City in the distance with a light beam connected to a huge portal right above Stark tower. I could hear Natasha speaking "Stark, we're on your three headed north-east" then Tony responding "what? Did you stop for drive-through? Swing up park, I'm gonna lay them out for you" the connection then went silent and immediately Clint and Natasha started shooting at the chitauri army, killing them in the process while trying to get to Stark tower and to Loki.

After less then a minute the jet is right in front of the tower and we could all see Thor fighting Loki. Loki lifted his scepter and shot at one of the jet's engines on the wing hitting it and making the entire jet shake before starting to crash. I held onto Emma's hand and the seat I was sitting on and I think I noticed a faint light rainbow glow from our connected hands, though I could be imagining things from fear or stress or whatever it is you feel when crashing in a jet with the avengers after getting sucked into a portal and ending up in the marvel cinematic universe.

Eventually we crash onto some concrete and nearly into a building. Immediately after crashing we run out the jet and into the streets which are full of damaged property, running people and the chitauri army. Then Stevie yells to us "we gotta get back up there" we stopped in front of a short fancy building with fire around it and more people running for their lives when we heard a kind of whale sound. We all looked up to the portal to see the huge metal covered alien whale creature come through it, the chitauri leviathan.

I stand there getting angrier at Loki with each millisecond that passes then I hear Stevie "Stark, are you seeing this?" He asked through the comms "seeing, still working on believing" was Tony's response "where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" He asked "Banner?" asked a slightly confused but mainly battle focused Steve "just keep me posted" said Tony before the comms went quiet from his end again. I just try and focus on fighting the chitauri, doing some contortion tricks to get away from their hits and blasts while also hitting them myself, Emma was doing the exact same minus the contortion tricks, her tricks are more normal blocks and of course her powers help by changing to different animal and hurting them that way.

Suddenly I hear Clint through the comms "we've got civilians still trapped up here" he said before Loki flew past us on a flying chitauri thing, steve pointed him out saying his name then he said "They're fish in a barrel down there" about all the cops and civilians trying to get away from the mass destruction Loki's army creates.

Stevie looks between the four of us and the people down below us before Natasha says "we got this. it's good. go" he then asks "you think you can hold them off?" And Clint answers "Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure" and right after that he shot a chitauri solider in the middle of his forehead killing him. We all started fighting as Stevie went to get the people away from here. Natasha and Emma were attacking the alien army while Clint and I helped people trapped inside a bus get out so they could run to safety. To make sure no one was too panicked I was thinking of calming things and using my empath powers sent those calming emotions to them, and I guess it kind of worked since the people looked calmer than in the movie when I watched it.

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