Chapter 2: telling Fury

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Aiden's POV:
We finally arrived at the SHIELD hellicarrier and I was sitting with the other heroes while Fury is talking to Loki. While he did that with the heroes listening, I found my phone in my pocket and opened it, surprised it still worked I tune out every person in the room as I opened the phone's gallery surprised that it still works and has the avengers movie I downloaded on it. I decided to test this further and opened the Internet searching avengers, it showed the internet results from my dimension. I was shocked but at least now I've got proof I'm not insane, so that's good.

I tune back in to the conversation, just as Maria hill asks Mr. Stark "when did you become an expert in thermo-nuclear astrophysics?" "Last night". He began "The packet, Selvig's notes, the extraction theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?" "Probably the only one who understood it, I thought a genius would realize that" I whispered to myself but Mr. Rogers who was next to me probably heard since he turned to me with a small playful smile then whispered "I agree, just don't let him hear you"

They AKA the avengers in the control bridge continued to talk about Loki's plan as I quietly hum one of my favorite songs, quickly tuning out the world around me and starting to whisper-sing the lyrics with my eyes closed I can hear talking around me then someone saying something a little louder and thought of how I want them to stop in my head while still whisper-singing the words to my song suddenly everything went quieter so I opened my eyes and stopped whisper-singing, instead I started humming in a really low volume so it wasn't noticeable and only singing in my mind, then I noticed Mr. Rogers in what I would imagine a trance would look like "Captain?" Someone asked trying to get him to respond I stopped humming and making sound all together in favor of actually paying attention and he snapped out of it, it took me a second before I realized what this means. I've got a siren's voice.

Director Fury looked, well, furious as he asked "Captain, care to explain what just happened?" He looked even angrier when Mr. Rogers answered "I don't know.." "Director Fury, I think I might have an answer to that..." I said nervously "can we talk about it in a private room..?" I asked still nervous and he nodded

We left to an empty room that was pretty close to where we were first "so... I think I may have powers, I'm not entirely sure, but I think I have a siren's voice and I'm pretty sure more will manifest soon" "care to elaborate?" He said, sounding so done with this "Okay so, the siren's voice I figured out since I was whisper-singing next to Mr. Rogers and I guess he heard it because of his enhanced senses and I put him in a trance without realizing it which continued as long as I was singing or humming. And I feel like there might be more, I can't really explain that feeling, I just know that's what it means" "we'll need to be sure, but for now you'll stay here." "Why?" "Well, I can't have a 13 year old child with powers and no control over them out in the streets." "Why does everyone say I'm 13? I'm 16... so don't call me a child, just call me by my name" "then you should tell me your name" oh...

How did I forget to tell them my name?? Anyways... "oh, right... my name is Aiden and I guess I'll stay here" "don't you need your parents approval?" "No, not here I don't" "what do you mean?" "Well, it has to do with the information I said I have" "That's right, Agent Romanoff told me she brought you because you claim to have useful information" "well, I do and I need this information to stay with you. I don't trust anyone else and so no one else can know, if I feel that a person should know I'll let them know, but for now only you should have this information" he nodded

He put on an emotionless mask then said "alright, now what's this important information?" "well I come from the year 2022 in a place where this whole universe isn't real but part of a movie franchise. Basically, I know this universe's future up until about 2025 and also some things from the past, however, I can't tell you any major things from the future, I can only help if I'm there when it happens." "That's impossible" he replied death-glaring at me "Well I umm.. I have proof..." I'm suddenly nervous about this.. or maybe it's the glare "then show me your proof"

I sighed, this is harder then I thought.. "I can't show future events, however I'll show you events that have already happened" I said and brought out my phone, opening a movie website and playing the first Ironman movie, showing a few major events and skipping through the rest super fast, I moved on to the Thor movie doing the same then the first Captain America movie and finally, Captain marvel, only showing a bits and pieces of each and skipping through the rest

He looked unsure but still he said "alright.. I believe you" "I want to help the avengers, it's important for the safety of this world that I join them, it will end in disaster otherwise" I said, knowing how important it truly is to gain their trust, mainly for future events but that's less important now "can you fight?" "Yes but I'm not the best, I think I'm good enough though" "then if you say it's that important, you can join. You'll need to train, I'll get Agent Romanoff to train with you" "Thank you sir"

After that we left the room and he led me to the lab where I know Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark are. I entered the lab and Fury went to god knows where to do god knows what. Basically, I didn't ask him where he was going or what he was going to do now.

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