♡ 1 Year Anniversary: Murder Mystery Pt. 2 ♡

Começar do início

Shuichi: same here,,

Hajime: Count me in

Sonia: Me too!!

Chiaki: then let's log on! ah,, and call too if you're all fine with it

Nagito: i'll start it!!

(Incoming call: GAY SHIT )

"HEY!!" Kokichi chirps as he joins the call. I smile to him and wave as the others slowly begin to join us.  Once everyone's with us, we all join Chiaki's Murder Mystery private server and vote on a map. After a few moments of waiting, the game finally loaded in and our roles were assigned.

"This time... I'm innocent?" I read in my head. "Well, I can still help the others out! But should I be on the side of the sheriff or the murderer...?"

Hajime shifted his phone away from me, prompting me to do the same. I looked back to my screen and focused on the game, where I passed Shuichi and Kokichi. I spotted Shuichi's avatar holding the gun, meaning he was the sheriff.

I continue down the hallway and pass Hajime, who doesn't stop to acknowledge me. He's running and jumping, and I can hear some sharp noises in the distance.

"He's probably being chased by the murderer!" I realize. "I'll go around from the back corner and follow from there!"

I try to hurry and change my path, but before I can move my avatar, I hear a loud groan from Hajime and his avatar's death sound.

"You got killed?" I ask, looking up from my phone.

"Yeah... probably first too," he responds, pulling the covers over his head. I let out a small chuckle at his reactions and face my screen once more.

"So I shouldn't follow from behind anymore... once Hajime was killed, they no longer have a reason to follow that path specifically. They could turn back and see me-"

"Wha-?!" I hear from the call, followed by a death sound. It came from Sonia, who sounded shocked. I knew she had died, and that I needed to find the murderer's identity before anyone else was lost.

I search the building for the rest of the players, carefully turning each corner in order to stay discreet. I go down one stairway and am surprised by what I see at the bottom: Shuichi, Kokichi, and Chiaki huddled closely next to Sonia's body. Shuichi has his gun out, and Kokichi and Chiaki are fidgety.

"So that means one of us is the murderer," I think to myself. "It's not me and it's not Shuichi, so is it Chiaki or Ko-"

My thoughts are cut off as Shuichi's avatar is hit in the face with an expensive, high-grade knife. He collapses to the floor and drops the gun, which leaves us all defenseless.

Kokichi runs for the gun and quickly aims it, shooting towards the murderer; Chiaki. But once the weapon cooldown is over, everything happens in a flash. The gamer throws her knives quickly and efficiently, only missing Kokichi by an inch. She dodges bullets gracefully as she does this.

I turn around and run down the hallway, making random turns to confuse any unwanted followers. "At this rate, Kokichi won't survive. I should get a headstart and run, but not too far from here. I should come back for the gun as soon as Chiaki leaves."

It isn't long before I hear Kokichi die. He pouts and huffs, prompting Shuichi to pull him into a hug. That leaves me and Chiaki.

I begin to execute my plan. I turn down a hallway to the loft and jump over the railing quickly, which lands me right next to the gun. I grab it and head straight down the hallway on high alert.

On the call, Chiaki says nothing. I'm sure she doesn't want to give away her position. She's a very different murderer from everyone else and is hard for anyone to beat. She has such admirable gaming skills! But I need to find her before-


Everything goes black for my avatar, and I'm suddenly in the pre-game area with the others. The results show on screen before Chiaki spawns beside us.

"And that's how you play Murder Mystery," the mauve-haired gamer says courtly. Everyone sits in shock.

Hajime stares at the results with a wide-eyed expression. "That was the fastest round we've ever played..."

"No fair!! Why didn't the bullets hit you! I shot right at you!" Kokichi whines.

"It's the art of running while jumping," Chiaki explains. "When done right, nothing can hit you."

"Amazing work, dearest!" Sonia smiles. "Shall we play another round?"

Everyone nods and chatters in agreement, and we all vote for the next map.


I still can't believe we've come so far with this book! Thank you all so much (again) for the reads, votes, comments, love, and support! It means the world to me! Watching my stories and account grow is one of the happiest feelings I could ever experience in the world!

I hope each and everyone one of my readers a very amazing day/evening/night!!

(P.S. If you haven't followed yet, please consider doing so! And if you liked this story, you may find others of mine just as interesting, such as "You're Perfect For Me" and Handy Miu.)

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!

Komahina//Hinakoma: Headcanons and oneshots!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora