4. Chapter Four.

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His tongue kept working on my nerves and my pussy lovingly as his eyes teased me. I moved my hips syncing with his tongue movements.

My body levitated on the sofa as his tongue darted very deep inside me. I screamed uncontrollably while my breathing became fanatic. No one has ever been able to make feel this good before.

Butterflies crippled my body, my sweet wet core weak from Dimitri's overwhelming and pleasuring relentless assaults pushing me completely over the edge.

I felt a finger slowly made it's way inside me as he continued to play with my clit sweetly to no abound.

"Oh yes, yes, yes, oh god yes!" I begged Dimitri to continue devouring my pussy.

I bit my lip as he slid another finger inside of me. I felt my insides about to explode. I licked my lips realizing that I was about to cum. Dimitri's eyes gleefully sucking my pussy while smiling at me made me even more thrilled as my core tenderly throbbed for his mouth never to leave.

"I'm about to cum." I whispered out to him but before I could Dimitri removed himself from me, leaving me high and dry.

Expecting his tongue to continue smothering my pussy and providing me with incredible pleasure once more, I sighed in annoyance and desperation. I felt as though my inside was about to burst in hopes he'd resume.

How fucking dare he leave me life that?!

Forget about me being a princess and him kidnapping me. The least he could've done was finish what he damn started instead of leaving me high and dry.

As I was about to give him a piece of my mind I suddenly jolted up from my slumber. I glanced around the room while breathing heavily.

I wasn't on the sofa; I was in bed, and there was no one seated next to me. At that point, I understood that everything I had just experienced was a lie. Everything, with the exception of my now-damp undergarments.

I removed the sheet noticing that I had just had a wet dream. One that included Dimitri doing inexplicable things to my body. I was somewhat glad it was just a dream and on the other hand unhappy that we hadn't gone further and I had unfortunately awakened.

I blushed unable to believe that I had just dreamt that. It was clear Dimitri was playing mind games with my damn mind or I was going insane and needed help.

It seems Dimitri had removed me from the sofa and placed me onto the bed. Definitely not something I would've expected from him.

I laid back down in bed taking in all his Versace and manly sent that almost had me moaning once again with pleasure.

This man was doing things to my body and he didn't even realize this..... thankfully.

I wondered where was he? Probably out killing someone? I guess. I took another minute before getting down from off the bed and heading to the bathroom to get a shower.

I noticed that the time was 9:30am in the morning. Somewhat later than was my usual hours of waking up but I guess my body was exhausted from such an enticing slumber.

I headed outside the door realizing that there were no one in sight which puzzled me. I traversed the halls but no one was nearby.

I wondered if they were playing a trick on me or something. To test my loyalty and to see if I would try to escape. There was a pin drop of silence.

I began searching through a few doors but was unsuccessful in finding anyone. When I entered the kitchen, there were no maids present, and the building as a whole was very quiet. I frowned and questioned whether everyone had left. Perhaps I was indeed liberated. After all, Dimitri wasn't really from my Asentrix-based country.

Was it prudent for me to hang around till they come back? I would be a fool not to take advantage of the opportunity they gave me to get away.

I felt a little displeased with the fact that Dimitri had left me without even saying as much as a goodbye. My body and heart were at a conflict. On one hand my body craved to see him and touch him but on the other hand my heart knew it was good and it was also for the best.

I silently walked around the house just barely managing to find the door but once I did so I ran into the sun glad I was able to feel the sun after days of being locked up.

The walls surrounding the property was somewhat huge as my kingdom. I had managed to spot a small gate around the corner and ran towards it.

It had a lock on but after finding a rock and smashing it a few times it opened. I widened the gate happily jumping for freedom at last.

Before I could get away, though, I felt myself being tightly grasped by two strong arms and suddenly my back was being pressed firmly against a chest. I was completely smitten by his Versace's fragrance.

I was taught that the earthy aroma of a man can warm a person's body and increase feelings of well-being, thereby heightening a woman's desire for a sexual encounter.

I was attempting to flee, but I had completely forgotten about it. I was drawn toward Dimitri by his powerful grip on my body, which almost made me purr with need.

His right hand remained around my waist, while his left palm gently gripped my neck, tilting my head towards him as he whispered in my ear.

My thirst and unquenchable yearning for him were increased by the sensual, sultry voice he murmured in my ear, which prompted me to breathe heavily. "Did you really believe you could get away from me, little one?"

His Princess To Claim✔️ (ON INKITT)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant