Mulai dari awal

With one more glance he leaves the room and exits the hospital.

Another person wanders into her room, probably tenth person today. He pulls the chair closer to the bed. His eyes scan over all the bouquets of flowers, 'get well soon' cards and balloons.

He glances at his friend, the same tubes sticking out of her body, the same neck brace, same stitches and bandages on her face and around her body.

"Hey Melaina. You've been out for a few days now. No one is taking this well. Especially because of how shitty we treated you before all of this happened. Maybe if we listened, you wouldn't be here." Rick takes her hand and gulps to hold back the tears forming in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. You're the closest person I have to a sister and I let you down. Everything is falling apart, Yolanda left the team, Courtney thinks one of us might be next and I don't know how Eclipso might come for us but I know you would've been able to help and make things better. Like you always do."

At this point the tears had already trailed down his cheeks, he wipes them away with his sleeve.

His mind flashes to the day that Dominic brought her to the hospital.


With Martina's help, they managed to get to the ICU and watched everything almost fall apart from the other side of the doors.

Harleys is in the room,she tries to stop the bleeding. While also keeping a close eye on the heart monitor. Due to the storm she was one of the few doctors at the hospital so she had to save the girl on her own. 

Harley being outside was called in to help, but seeing the state of her longtime friend made her freeze.

Hadley rushes over to her daughter who's face is wet with her salty tears. "Baby I need you to focus. I know you're scared but I really need you stay with me here. Okay?" Harley quickly nods head before he mother gives her a set of instructions.

She uses her powers to get a white cloth and quickly presses it onto her friends neck.  Hadley gets the equipment needed to stitch her wound.

"On three move the cloth." Hadley tells her daughter as she gets her hands ready. "One...two...three."

Harley moves the cloth away and Hadley gets to work. As the older redhead stitches the bleeding wound. Harley hold Melaina's hand. The seventeen year old feels some sort of relief when Melaina squeezes her hand or moves her fingers every now and then.

The moment Hadley finished, she cleaned up the rest of the area that was covered in blood.

Harleys heart starts to race when she stops feeling Melaina's slight movements in her palm and stops seeing her chest go up and down. She tries to trace circles in Melaina's palm in efforts to get some sort of reaction out of her but instead the heart monitor starts blaring and the dying girl starts seizing on the bed.

"Mom!" Harley screams.

"Shit! Harley, Dominic, Martina hold her down." Hadley commands as the two join them, the King women holding her down on one side and the two magicians doing the same on the other side. 

She doesn't stop shaking. "Mrs King, what's happening?" Beth asks as the rest of the JSA enter the room.

Now blood was streaming out of Melaina's nose. "I don't know darling. Dear God what is happening to her?" The moment the older King woman finished her sentence Melaina stopped shaking.

But a long lasting beep came from the heart monitor. "Mom!" Harley cries as more tears pool in her eyes. "Melaina stay with me, okay stay with me."

Hadley King uses her abilities once again to bring the defibrillator to her. "Move back!" The two of them move away, Harley stays by her side. Hadley takes the paddles and rubs them together. "Clear!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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