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Melaina groaned when she felt the light hit her face. "Ugh! Mom!"

"You need to get up. They'll be here soon." Diana told the girl as she pulled the covers over her face.

"I don't want to." She mumbled.

"I know you don't honey." Diana said as she sat down on the edge of her daughters bed. "I'm sorry we changed things last minute, I know how much you wanted to go out of town."

"No I needed to get out of town. I can't stay here anymore, it's driving me crazy." Melaina responded as she moved the blanket to her chest.

"I get it I really do but maybe this might be the distraction you'll need to feel a little better." Diana told the girl. "But you really do need to get up because they'll be here in about 30 minutes."

After Diana left her room, Melaina dragged herself out of bed to her bathroom to take a quick shower and then change into her pair of white docs, black wide legged pants, faded pink shirt which she tucked in and an oversized denim jacket and quickly combed out her hair.

She quickly cleaned up her room before leaving her room. She briefly passed Josephine who she barely looked at before heading down stairs and the brunette being right behind her.

The two heard laughter from the residents of this home and from three other people that one of them didn't recognise but the other who did rushed down stairs.

"August King, wow you have grown." Melaina gushed as the 14 year olds boy ran into her arms.

"You look the same." The brunette said bluntly making Melaina lightly shove his shoulder.

"Good morning my young apprentice." CJ greeted as she put her arm over her shoulder.

"Melaina dear it's so great to see you." Hadley King greeted the girl.

"Likewise Miss King. How's the moving process going?"

"Richard is coming here with our things today and then we'll start to settledown." Hadley answered as she had a sip of her coffee.

"How are you liking Blue Valley so far?" Edward asked his friend.

"It's really quiet and actually really peaceful I mean we're all used to metahumans running around everywhere. Here there's no bank robberies or end of the world scenarios." Hadley told him making her two children smile. "We actually better get going back to the house to make sure everything is ready for when our stuff get here."

"I will call you later." Harley said as she stood up while August and Hestia did a handshake.


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