The Commoner and the Prince

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She was busy picking flowers with her Sakhis. The flowers were needed for her Sandhi puja. Her Sakhi rushed to the garden from the Andarmahal, losing her breath.
" Baijilal... your mother called for you." She gushed with a smile.
" But why? She knows I am picking..."
" The Prince is arriving tomorrow." Her Sakhi's face lit up.
" Who...? What?"
" Kunwar saa , Baijilal." Her Sakhis were excited at this news. Till today they have only heard of his expeditions against the Mughals and Afghans and his bravery.
" We should help Maasa make arrangements." She was calm.
" Aren't you excited Baijilal?"
" Why should I be? I am not a princess." Her reply was calm, her heart pounced.
No girl in Mewar disliked such a valiant Rajput. But they were all commoners.

"Let's go. we should make rangoli and prepare his room." Her Sakhis followed in glee.

The next day her parents were greeting the Prince with Arati and drumrolls. She could not catch a glimpse from the windows of the inner palace. All she saw was a procession of horses, things, foot soldiers and a young man in a turban. Her mother had instructed her to get dressed in her best attire for the dinner with the prince. She was sure that the prince had more important things to discuss with his Samant, her father than look at what the Samant Putri was wearing.

Her mother came in with a smile.
" He is so down to earth, he took my blessings and even asked who made those Rangolis."
" What did you say Maa sa?"
" The truth, my talented daughter."
" Maasa, don't say that to people, it is embarrassing."
" But it is the truth, be ready within an hour for dinner."

The dining hall was full of eminent people from all over the land who have come to meet the Prince. She felt it was too crowded. He was surrounded by noblemen, who introduced him to their daughters with clear intentions. She stepped away from the hall and into the kitchen. She inspected each dish before it was served. The guests ate heartily and rejoiced the night. After the guests had left and the Prince retired to his chambers she stepped out of the kitchen and into the open balcony. The stars shone brightly in the sky. It was a full moon night, and only a lamp shone in the room. She heard footsteps and grew alarmed. From the darkness emerged a figure behind her.

" You are the one who made the Rangoli. They were so beautiful." She was speechless in awe of the person in front of her.
" Khamma Gani, I am ..."
" Kunwar Pratap, Gani Khamma." She folded her hands in response as he looked at his face searching for her name.
" Ajab de..."
" My name, Ajab De."
" I heard from my Rani Maa that you are a very talented young girl, she met you last time she was here."
" Dhanyavaad." He could not make out what more to say. " The food was delicious..."
" I did not make it Kunwar ji."
He laughed at this. " Can I ask you something Ajab de?"
" Yes, Kunwar Ji."
" When the other noble girls were flocking to meet me you were not there. Why?"
" They wish to impress you." She bit her tongue for speaking her mind.
" And you don't?" His stare was amusing. " Impression happens on its own, sir."
" Please, call me Pratap." He had never met a girl like her. All he met were trying to drool over him and impress him. This girl kept her distance.
" Ji?" She was surprised. Her wide-eyed stare was making his heart beat faster, he did not know why.
" I have left all my Mitra at Chittorgarh, I will be staying here for two months, I will need a friend, and something tells me you can be a good friend." He was quick with his moves.
" Me? Your Mitra? But I am only a Samant Putri?"
" I am a commoner."
" Your father fights every war side by side with mine. He has as much bravery and risk as mine. So what makes them different as human beings?" His thoughts startled her. She did not have an answer.
" Subh Ratri Mitra." He dashed off into the darkness again leaving her thoughtful.

A month went by, they became the closest of friends. He could share his insecurities with her, she advised him on state affairs, a talent even she did not know she had. Another fortnight later, as she was picking flowers in the garden he rushed to her side.
" Ekanth" He ordered the maids and Sakhis. They moved away. She turned back and saw him panting.
" What is it Kunwar Pratap?"
" My Rani Maa is looking for a bride for me." Something made her feel bad. She gathered her thoughts and cleared the lump in her throat.
" That is good news" She smiled looking away. 
" You are happy about this?"
" Why won't I be?"
" Ajab De..." His eyes shone. Their eyes met.
" I don't want to marry a princess."
" You have to, you are a prince Kunwar."
" I want to be alone and work towards the betterment of my Matribhumi." He looked away. This was not what he planned to tell her.
" This is your duty, your marriage alliances will help you raise armies against the Mughals and win against them. This is for your motherland."
" And what about my wishes? I wanted somebody who would know what I think before I say it, somebody, who would know what my sacrifices are worth."
" It will happen with time, every marriage is like that."
He was angry at her. She wanted what the rest of his people wanted. Marriage alliances to help the land. He walked away as she kept calling him back.

Watching him go, tears filled her eyes, she wiped them away before anybody realised the dream she had dared to dream. But he saw her wipe her tears. He knew her too well to know what she said was different from what she felt. The next morning, her mother woke her up saying that he left in a hurry for Chittorgarh. He left without saying goodbye.

A month passed by, and there were rumours of his marriage alliances to the Princesses of Chauhans and Rathores but nothing was final until announced officially. She was at the Kanha temple praying. Her song attracted passersby to stand and listen. She could feel people gather up behind her whenever she sang. Today the crowd seemed to have forgotten her. She opened her eyes after finishing her song. She searched for her Sakhis, but nobody was there. She was alone. She called out.
" Is somebody here? Where are you people hiding?"
" I told them to go back, I wanted to talk alone." It was Kunwar Pratap!
" Why? What are you doing here Kunwar Pratap?"
" Praying." He smiled. Hands folded.
" I meant in Bijolia."
" I was looking for a bride all over Rajputana you know Ajab de..." He walked up to her. " Marwar, Bundi, Jodhpur, Ajmer, where not! I finally found her." Her heart skipped a beat.
" Why did you leave without saying goodbye Kunwar Pratap?"
" So that I can go convince my Rajiraj and Ranima that my choice of a bride is the right one."
" You chose your bride? But what about the alliances, the dream of ...."
" Marriage alliances can be done when I become a king you know." He held her hands. " Right now, I want somebody to share my dreams with, and I found her."
" Who is she?" Ajabde feared his answer.
" She is the Samantputri of Bijolia."
Her eyes stared in awe as he smiled at her.
" I know you want this too, it took me so long to convince my parents of this. Please come with me to the palace to meet them once."
" But Kunwar...."
" Ajab De...." He scolded. She looked away." Our people will think I trapped you, Kunwar Pratap, they will not like me or my parents anymore. I am a commoner, and I...."
She saw him staring at her with an amused face.
" Why are you laughing Kunwar Pratap?"
" Because I am waiting for you to run out of excuses and come with me to your palace. Rani ma can't wait to meet you."
She did not know how he knew her thoughts and read them, it made her like him more.
He took her hand.

The wedding happened grandly as the fifteen-year-old Ajab De Punwar married a seventeen-year-old Kunwar Pratap Singh in 1557 AD. In 1559 AD their first child and heir Amar Singh were born to them. On his coronation as Maharana, she became his Maharani in 1572 AD. Pratap had seven other marriages for marital alliances with her consent but she remained his chief queen and love of his life. She continued to advise him on matters of the court and learned Astrology.  Their second son Bhagwan Das was Pratap's fifth son.

After years of marriage due to prolonged illness, Ajab De passed away in her 30s. Her last wish was for him to marry her sister to which he agreed reluctantly. Her death took him by shock as he moved his capital away from her memories in Udaipur to Chavand where he lived for the rest of his life. He in total had eleven wives, seventeen sons and five daughters. But throughout his life, he preferred Amar Singh over the others.

She was the lifeline of the brave warrior and sacrificed and struggled with him many times. When Pratap once thought of surrendering to Akbar after seeing his children suffer and starve in the forest, she supported him to raise an army against the Mughals. She was the Maharani of the greatest Maharana of Mewar and their love was beyond the rules of kingship, and systems of creed and caste. This love was the epitome of bravery, sacrifice and unity in a relationship. Even after her untimely death, he refused to place another queen as his consort in court, proving his undying love for her.

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