Rihaan and Shwetha marriage

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While Shiva was packing his bag.
Ayaan came into his room seeing Shiva packing his dress and stuffs.

Ayaan - Where are you going Shiva??

Shiva - I am going to search job. I wanted to attend Shwetha's marriage but I don't want people say shameless to me as I am staying on my sister's in law house.

Ayaan - Shiva you are a chemical engineer from a well known university and in my laboratory we need chemical engineers urgently. If you want you can work in my laboratory.
But before that you will have to go for interview which will be taken by experienced retired engineers of our laboratory

Shiva - Thank you Ayaan I need this job and I will try my best to get this job. I will start preparing for interview from now onwards.

Ayaan - I wish you get the job Shiva. Best of luck for ur interview. I will fill ur application form while going to work.

Next morning.........

Ayaan went to Henry room.

He saw a piece of page lying beside the dustbin. There was a note inside it.

"My child was suffering from fever so he wouldn't be able to attend class yesterday. So please grant him a day leave"

Ayaan checked Henry's diary he found a page tore.

Ayaan - Henry yesterday you went to school then why is this written that you are sick. If you didn't want to school then where the hell did you went??? (Angrily)

Henry - I bunked the school because I did'nt do the homework. Teacher beat v badly that's why I bunked. (Scared)

Ayaan - Where did u went if u didn't attended the class??

Henry - I was roaming on streets and then I slept on school bus.

If anyone would have kidnapped you or sell you then how we would find out you idiot stupid donkey. (Angrily)

Ayesha came.

Ayesha - Now why are you cussing at small child Ayaan why are you shouting at him again???

Ayaan - pucho apne ladle se he bunked the school and didn't attended the class.
See this note (handing over that tore note) and he was roaming in the streets

Ayesha - WHAT!!!!!!
Henry you bunked the class. Day by day your shaitani is increasing. Now get lost otherwise I will loose my temper and hit you.

Henry - Sorry....... Mausi m

Ayesha lost her tempered and unwilling she slapped him.


Henry was crying he went out of his room crying.

Rose went to Henry's room only to find a questioning look from Ayesha and Ayaan.

Ayaan - So you already knew that Henry bunked class but then also you didn't told me. Can I know why????

Rose - Mausa pa I don't want that Henry get beaten by you so I didn't told u that he wrote a fake application in his diary that he is sick but actually he bunked the class

Ayesha - Now you will also get the punishment. Ayaan call panditji and fix shubh muhurat as early as possible then immediately we are sending Rose and Henry to boarding school.

Ayaan - I already had consulted a famous boarding school - Stephen's boarding school which is miles far away from us. They will live there only. Tell Henry to pack your bags and stuffs from now onwards you two monkeys should take your responsibilities. Your mausi ma will not be present in boarding school.

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