29 ~ Hunting Down a Remedy

Start from the beginning

It was only then that they realized what a compromising position they were in.

(Y/n) blushed a bit, while Hunter full on blew up.

"I ain't movin' until you tell me what's up."

"Well then, I might as well sit back and admire the view." Hunter suavely said in a desperate attempt to not sound completely flustered.

"Oh come on, Goldilocks. Why can't you tell me what's up with Belos and the palismen?"

"Because... think fast!" Hunter grabbed his staff and flung (Y/n) overboard.

(Y/n) hurdled towards the ground, "YOU LITTLE CUM STAIN. YOU'RE LUCKY I HAVE PIP WITH ME!" She yelled as she took the fox out and saved herself from hitting the ground too hard.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Hunter waved his hand dismissively as he walked back over to the steering wheel.

"Is it really so top secret that you'd rather throw me off the fucking ship than tell me??"

"You don't wanna know the truth."

"I'll decide what I want to know and what I don't want to know."

Hunter sighed, "Fine. You wanna know? Don't say I didn't warn you."

(Y/n) listened intently,

"That.. condition Belos has? It's like a curse. A horrifying monster comes out every now and then. Like that time when I rushed you out of the throne room? That was because the monster thing was coming out.."

"Oh," Was all the girl could say.

"But there's a way to keep the monster at bay. Sorta like a remedy of sorts. Palismen. He.. eats palismen. You saw him eat one the day Lilith attempted the raid on The Owl Lady."

"The wooden capsule..."

"The wooden capsule," Hunter nodded in affirmation. "That was a palisman. And you saw how it made him feel better. He stopped breathing so heavily and he was able to sit up straight in his throne?"

(Y/n) nodded. "So the palismen are like a temporary cure."

"Mhm. So we need to retrieve the palismen for him."

"What about Pip..? My palisman?"

"You need to hide him from Belos. Always. Always bring him with you when we go out so that Kikimora can't find him if she snoops through your room. I see how much he means to you. I don't want him to be taken from you."

"Thanks, Hunter." (Y/n) wrapped the boy in a soft hug, turning him into a blushing mess.

"I uh, I think we're here." Hunter stammered as they slowly flew over a field.

"Oh! The grudgby field!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

The field had a small, brown hut in the middle of it.


"What if.. I open a magic petshop. But it's password protected.. the password is, 'You're a little angel'"


"Aaaand, gotcha!" Hunter exclaimed as he pressed a button, extending a claw from the bottom of the ship and grabbing the hut.


"I think we're being kidnapped! Don't worry, I'll figure this out."


"So. Anyways. At the orphanage, there was this boy, Ollie. He was the second oldest behind me and- man, was he an ugly baby."

The Owl Lady's human drew a fire glyph onto a leaf and climbed onto the airship.

"Let me tell you about this time that he fell off the roof of the orphanage."

The human glared at the Golden Guard. "Ugh, him again." She muttered with a sneer and a smirk.

"So he-"

"HI-YAH!" The human yelled as she jumped and slapped the Golden Guard on the back.

"Oh, hi, Human!" (Y/n) waved to the girl, cheerfully.

The girl waved back with a smile before the Golden Guard was abruptly flung into the control panel.

Hunter yelled as he was thrusted up and down around the ship.

The fire glyph that the human had slapped onto his back acted as a jetpack of sorts, rocketing him off the ship.

In a final attempt to stop himself from flying away, he grabbed into (Y/n), pulling her away with him.

"Oops." The human mumbled. "They'll fine."

"You fucker, why'd you grab me?! What, you just needa be near me all the time~???" (Y/n) teased.

"Oh yeah, totally. I can't stand not being near you 24/7." Hunter sarcastically spat back.

Hunter teleported the both of them back onto the ship, sitting them both on the nose of the ship.

"Okay.. how do I land this thing?" The human asked herself aloud.

"Oh, you just pull that cord above your head." Hunter replied.

"Ah! Thank ye-!?" The human stared up at Hunter, shocked.

"Hii~" Hunter and (Y/n) sang at the same time.

The human was lifted away from the control panel in red magic from Hunter's staff and thrown to the back of the ship. Hunter used his staff to make ropes around the human to restrain her.

"Hey!" She yelled angrily.

"Good to see you too, Human." Hunter dusted himself off.

"Why are you stealing palismen, Golden Guard?!"

"Frankly," Hunter teleported in front of the human, intimidatingly, "You should be more concerned about yourself. For the crime of.. rocketing me off my own ship, you'll be locked in the dingiest cell of the conformatorium for the rest of your sad little life." He sneered.

"Pfft, whatever. I already broke out of there twice." The girl rolled her eyes.

Damn that conformatorium sucks, doesn't it. If a powerless human can break out of there.. not once, but twice?! If Warden Wrath had a nickel for every time a magicless human broke out of his prison, he'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice. (Y/n) thought to herself.

"Then, we'll just zap you to dust. That better?" Hunter asked, turning away from the human.

The human grumbled but stayed silent.

"Good." The Golden Guard returned to flying the ship, placing his staff aside.

(Y/n) leaned against the control panel again and decided to continue her story about Ollie,

"So, he and I were played a game called, 'The Floor is a Molten Hot Substance, Don't Touch It Or You'll Die' where if you touched the ground, you'd actually die."

"Say, Golden Guard, Silver Scout..." The human interrupted, "How'd you guys get back on the ship so fast?"

"Staff." Hunter gestured to his left.

"Cool." The human said before launching an ice spike at the staff, sending it flying into the clouds.

"No!" Hunter yelled as the human snickered. He sounded genuinely worried about the loss of his staff.

"Not cool." (Y/n) deadpanned at the human.

"Human." Hunter ranted, "It'll take more than that to thwart my mission!"

Suddenly, the ship was swayed by a massive mass hitting it. The mass was a dark teal.. almost like that dragon that had knocked Hunter and (Y/n) out of the sky on her first day...

The dragon flew to the top of the airship and whipped its barbed tongue, tearing the fabric that kept the ship in the air.

The ship hurdled to the ground with all three occupants yelling for their lives.

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